Essay, Research Paper: Big Bang Theory


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1. The most obvious unscientific theory that I can think of today, would be
religion. Religion is possibly one of the biggest influences in our lives, and
there is no scientific way to even prove that it exists. I asked a few friends
of mine, who are religious, why they believe in a God. The first that I asked
hemmed and hawed and when I finally had to threaten him to spit out an answer,
he said, “I don’t know.” The next person I asked answered a little more
intelligently by saying, “I just don’t believe that we all came here without
any divine help. I don’t believe in the Big Bang theory, and believing in God
fills in a lot of gaps for me.” None of the people I spoke with fit this next
category, but I believe that there is one last group of people who practice
religion. These people practice it because they really believe in God, and many
claim to be able to “feel” him. I am not saying any of these people are
right or wrong, but I can say that none of them can prove there is a god. This
belief is not empirically verifiable, nor is it testable. The first group who
practice religion just because it is the socially expedient thing to do, do not
worry about justifying whether or not there is a god. He just knows that he is
expected to show up in church on Sunday. The second group who believes in
religion over the Big Bang theory, or look to religion for answers that Science
cannot answer yet aren’t any closer. They see two possibilities for how we got
here. There is the Big Bang theory, or this God thing. They really don’t
believe in the Big Bang theory, so that must mean the other alternative, God,
must be right. The last group that really believes in God has no proof either.
They say, “I feel God with me!” How do they know that it is in fact God that
they are feeling. Maybe their lunch didn’t set well with them. They feel
something, don’t know exactly what it is, and come to assume that it is God.
2. This next example of an unscientific system is one that is no longer
practiced, but it is a perfect example of the ignorance of humans and their
willingness to embrace anything that will make them feel superior. Back in Mid
evil times, people would burn women at the stake who had different ideas then
the societal norm. They would call these women witches. How does one prove
another a witch? In this time period, any woman found thinking differently from
society, would be branded a witch and burned at the stake. By these standards
how many woman today would be witches. I think far more then I can imagine. It
is funny, almost comical trying to imagine the mindset of the people who did
these things long ago. I can just see someone thinking, “ Ok, so, she’s not
like me, she’s not like everyone else….so, that must make her different. Ok,
so if she’s different from me, and I’m normal, what could she be. She must
be a Witch!!!!” Once again there is no empirical evidence proving her a witch,
and there is no way they could prove her a witch. Some tried to prove it by
creating tests, like throwing the “witch” into a lake and if she doesn’t
try to swim she isn’t a witch, and if she tries to swim to stay alive, she is
a witch. It is downright hilarious. There is no real way to test if she is a
witch. This was just societies very unscientific system of weeding out people
who did not fit their norms. Logic Test 1. The most obvious unscientific theory
that I can think of today, would be religion. Religion is possibly one of the
biggest influences in our lives, and there is no scientific way to even prove
that it exists. I asked a few friends of mine, who are religious, why they
believe in a God. The first that I asked hemmed and hawed and when I finally had
to threaten him to spit out an answer, he said, “I don’t know.” The next
person I asked answered a little more intelligently by saying, “I just don’t
believe that we all came here without any divine help. I don’t believe in the
Big Bang theory, and believing in God fills in a lot of gaps for me.” None of
the people I spoke with fit this next category, but I believe that there is one
last group of people who practice religion. These people practice it because
they really believe in God, and many claim to be able to “feel” him. I am
not saying any of these people are right or wrong, but I can say that none of
them can prove there is a god. This belief is not empirically verifiable, nor is
it testable. The first group who practice religion just because it is the
socially expedient thing to do, do not worry about justifying whether or not
there is a god. He just knows that he is expected to show up in church on
Sunday. The second group who believes in religion over the Big Bang theory, or
look to religion for answers that Science cannot answer yet aren’t any closer.
They see two possibilities for how we got here. There is the Big Bang theory, or
this God thing. They really don’t believe in the Big Bang theory, so that must
mean the other alternative, God, must be right. The last group that really
believes in God has no proof either. They say, “I feel God with me!” How do
they know that it is in fact God that they are feeling. Maybe their lunch
didn’t set well with them. They feel something, don’t know exactly what it
is, and come to assume that it is God. 2. This next example of an unscientific
system is one that is no longer practiced, but it is a perfect example of the
ignorance of humans and their willingness to embrace anything that will make
them feel superior. Back in Mid evil times, people would burn women at the stake
who had different ideas then the societal norm. They would call these women
witches. How does one prove another a witch? In this time period, any woman
found thinking differently from society, would be branded a witch and burned at
the stake. By these standards how many woman today would be witches. I think far
more then I can imagine. It is funny, almost comical trying to imagine the
mindset of the people who did these things long ago. I can just see someone
thinking, “ Ok, so, she’s not like me, she’s not like everyone else….so,
that must make her different. Ok, so if she’s different from me, and I’m
normal, what could she be. She must be a Witch!!!!” Once again there is no
empirical evidence proving her a witch, and there is no way they could prove her
a witch. Some tried to prove it by creating tests, like throwing the “witch”
into a lake and if she doesn’t try to swim she isn’t a witch, and if she
tries to swim to stay alive, she is a witch. It is downright hilarious. There is
no real way to test if she is a witch. This was just societies very unscientific
system of weeding out people who did not fit their norms.
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