Essay, Research Paper: Mariano Escobedo


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Mariano Escobedo was a healthy man he was my Grandparents great great
grandparent. He was a Mexican General from Mexico. He wanted to govern Mexico,
he fought against dynasty and he won. Escobedo fought against the French
Invasion in Mexico to govern Mexico. He became a great general who fought
against Napoleon III (French.) In Mexico City airport and in Monterey his name
is printed and also in some streets of difference parts of Mexico. Mexico had
borrowed money from England, France and Spain. In 1861 representatives from this
countries got together in London to find a way to get Mexico to pay this
countries. Troops from this three countries went to Veracruz in 1862. They were
welcomed from representative from Mexico. The general Juan Prim, from Spain
accepted the way Mexico was going to pay little by little so as England. The
representative from France is not accepted he wanted the money and ordered his
troops to prepare to fight. The government of Benito Juarez organize the
defense. He made in charge the general Ignazio Zaragoza to get to Puebla and
fight with the French. They attacked each other in the " Fuertes de Loreto
y Guadalupe. The troops of Zaragoza, helped from the Indians Zacapoaxtla. In
1862of Mat 5 they won against the French. The emperor from France, Luis Napoleon
Bonaparte, wanted to extend his powers in America and in Asia. He dreamed to
form a great empire. Mexico took advantage of that situation to peek an European
emperor to govern Mexico and to stop the politic anarchy. Luis Napoleon made
them recommend Fernando Maximiliano de Habsurgo, brother of the emperor
Francisco Jose. Maximiliano accepted his embarkation to Mexico but with her
wife, the princess Carlota Amalia de Belgica. Luis Napoleon send his army to
wish napoleon luck. Austria and Belgica also send troops. The emperors arrived
to Mexico at the end of 1864. In Veracruz, Puebla were great big welcomes. To
confront the invaders, to the president Juarez formed a government itinerante,
who traveled from the capital to the north border. From this places it continue
the position of the millitar action from the armies from the North, West,
command from Mariano Escobedo, Ramon Corona and Porfirio Diaz. From 1865 to 1867
were constant fights. At first the power was in Europe, but the Mexican never
gave up and little by little the situation kept changing. Maximilliano made his
own government in the castle of Chapultepec in Mexico City. The biggest part of
his people were foreign, but also has important foreign Mexicans. They traveled
many parts of the center of the city and Carlota traveled all the way to
Yucatan, Maximiliano showed interests for the luck of the Indian workers.

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