Essay, Research Paper: Snake By Lawrence


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“Snake” is one of Lawrence’s most famous poems. Although the poem seems to
be about an encounter with a snake, the true theme of the poem is the conflict
between emotional behavior and learned behavior. This conflict is displayed
through setting and symbolism. The poem begins with a very narrative voice and
is a pleasure to read for that reason. Lawrence is exuberated in expressing his
reverence for nature. In the first three stanzas of the poem the setting is
established and the movement of the snake is described. The poem took place in a
garden near his house because the boy was in pajamas and under the shade of “a
great dark carob-tree.” The movement of the snake is described by the
alliteration of the s sound in the words straight, softly, slack, and silently.
Symbolism is used throughout the poem. The garden in which the poem takes place
can be a symbol of the Garden of Eden, and the snake, a symbol of the devil. A
snake is a symbol of evil, but a snake is also a symbol of enlightenment and
wisdom according to ancient civilizations. The snake, however, is the ultimate
symbol of tension. The tension in the young boy is caused because he has to make
a decision. When he encounters the snake, he is posed with the question to kill
the snake or to let it leave unharmed, to act upon his human education or his
instinct. While the snake is drinking at the trough, the boy’s emotions are in
conflict. Even though the boy was scared, he was even more honored that the
snake should seek his hospitality. Once the snake started to leave, the boy’s
time was running out. He had to make a decision. Because of his “accursed
human education,” he decided to act in an evil way and throw a log at the
snake. Does this suggest that the snake is not evil, but the soul in man is
inherently evil? Or is the snake evil because he was retreating into the evil
darkness of hell symbolized by the hole in the fissure? Once the boy threw the
log at the snake, he immediately regretted it, revealing “I thought how
paltry, how vulgar, what a mean act…I wish he would come back, my snake.”
After the boy threw the log, he recognized the innocence of the snake noting,
“And so, I missed my chance with one of the lords/ Of life.” This
illustrates man always trying to rob the dignity from all Godly creatures, and
how petty it is. Through this poem, Lawrence has illustrated his point about
strife and the clash of opposites. The symbols used in this poem are very
ambiguous because they can be interpreted many ways. The snake can be a symbol
of evil, enlightenment and wisdom, or tension. The boy battles through many
emotions in this poem, finally coming to the realization that men are inherently
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