Essay, Research Paper: Antibiotic Resistance


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Darwin’s theory of evolution can be explained like this; the environment acts
as a selective agent, weeding out organisms less able to survive. Darwin
described natural selection as a process in which organisms become better
adapted to their environment. The organisms that evolved with beneficial
variations are more likely to survive and reproduce, they pass on the favorable
genetic material. Over time, the genetic composition of the species may become
better able to escape being eaten or to capture prey. Do to such high demand for
antibiotics around the world people have created their own antibiotic resistance
and became immune to antibodies. At least half of the human use of antibiotics
in the United States is unnecessary or inappropriate. For example, a patient
demanding antibiotics for an illness that doesn’t require them leads to a lot
of unneeded drugs. Either the antibiotics are not needed at all, or it’s the
wrong dosage prescribed, or the wrong duration. More than 50 million pounds of
antibiotics are produced in the United States every year. Forty percent of that
total is given to animals, mostly to promote growth rather than treat disease.
Antibiotic use is also rampant in agriculture. Drugs are sprayed on to fruit
trees to prevent bacterial infections. The bad thing is, is that these bugs are
developing a resistance to these drugs that once destroyed them. We are
experiencing an alarming resurgence of common but no longer curable infections
from bugs that developed resistance. This is by being too much involved with
taking antibiotics for every little sickness and all other things that would
require antibiotics. Another thing that would pose as a problem is the way that
bacteria would evolve and adapt to our antibiotics. Darwin’s theory can be
related to antibiotic resistance in many ways. Through the years of using
antibiotics against bacteria, we have seen that they usually get the job done.
But as time progresses, so do the bacteria. As fast as we are producing the
antibodies, the bacteria are adjusting to them faster. With all the antibiotics
that humans take in, their bodies are becoming immune to the effects. Which is
like Darwin’s theory of natural selection; selecting out the organisms that
cant adapt or adjust to the environment around them.
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