Essay, Research Paper: Anarchist Utopia


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The world is in turmoil. Wars are fought solely for economic gain, children are
shooting their fellow classmates, people are starving, and people are dying. But
why is this happening? Why do these things have to happen? Well, they don’t
have to happen. This is all a result of corrupt governments caring for nothing
but money. These governments are sending their own citizens to war, and they do
not care who gets killed, just which side wins. This is unjust and must not
continue. People think about these things, but do nothing about them, and as the
saying goes, silence is consent. By not doing anything about this we allow these
things to continue. We allow our governments to murder our family, our friends,
and even ourselves. This is why I propose that we begin a new order in which we
abandon governments altogether and instate an anarchist system in which all men,
women, and children are equal, but in their own way different and unique.
Everyone’s worth is the same, but their thoughts are different. And this is
the ideal society. In order for there to be a true utopia, we need to eliminate
a few things. One is government, for as long as there is somebody above us in
social status, we can never be truly equal and free. Next are laws made by the
common man that not everybody agrees with, for if there are laws that not
everybody agrees with, then there is oppression. And lastly, is a monetary
system, because as they say, money is the root of all evil. The way that we
maintain order in such a society is through a principle called Altruism, which
is a principle that states that all people care for each other. Without such a
principle, society cannot maintain order, and keep in mind that anarchy is not
synonymous with chaos. Anarchy is lack of government, where as chaos is lack of
order. Anyway, the reason we need altruism is because, instead of laws, the way
that we determine what is right and what is wrong is by determining a persons
inherent rights. If a person then violates another person’s rights, then that
is wrong, and society as a whole punishes that person fittingly. The way that
this works is that it’s based on the principal of the social contract. The
social contract theory states that in order to have protection from a society,
you must give up some of your liberties. In this case, the liberties that you
would have to give up are the liberties to violate the rights of others, and to
intentionally rise in power. These rules are made so as to “weed” out all
those who would purposely disrupt the society and dissolve it and also to
maintain order in such a system. This also makes it so that only the good
natured people would enter. Remember, this society is strictly a voluntary
society. No one has to enter if they don’t want to and that’s one of the
best things about the anarchist utopia, is that involvement is entirely
voluntary! An education system would be non-existent. Instead of children going
to school, each generation is taught by the previous generation. This has been
shown to work in indigenous tribes. In the ideal society, where the
aforementioned principles are taught, people don’t need to work in order to
buy material possessions. Instead, the sole motivation to work is to gather the
necessities of life (i.e. water, food, shelter, etc…) and each generation
would teach what is needed to be known in order to get these things. And that is
why education is not necessary in this society. In this society, conflict would
be handled in a proper manner, depending on the conflict. For example, if the
conflict is about a difference in ideas, the conflict would be settled in a
debate-like manner with an audience (whether it be one, or many) that decides
who’s right. But if the conflict gets to the point of violence, then further
action is taken by the society in the form of a tribunal in which the entire
society is gathered by either physical means, or through the media, and the
society votes as to if the defendant is guilty or innocent and how to punish
him/her. The economic system, as I briefly touched on earlier, will be a true
socialistic economy. The monetary system will be abolished and all trade will be
done only for necessities. Any luxury item that an individual may want would be
found outside of the society and my be bought through trade. Equality would be
achieved in a manner that is not oppressive. We allow ourselves to be treated
equally. No person’s life is worth more than another. But, all people are
recognized as being different and unique in their own way. By having differences
in society, we can make strides to make society better. As you may have noticed
by now, not very many people would be able to live in the utopia. The more
people that live in a certain area, the more difficult it would be to maintain
order. That is why standards must be high to let people into this society. It
will not be all upper class people. It would have a wide variety of
personalities and cultures so as to have a large diversity. But these people
have to accept the social contract to its’ fullest extent. That is the main
acceptance criterion, is the acceptance of the social contract that is presented
to them. Although there is no exact number as to how many people would live in
this society, all I can tell you is that a very small group of people would live
there. Diversity is welcome in this society. The only true way that they
wouldn’t fit in is if they broke the social contract agreement, in which case
they would be outcasts. But differentiality is welcomed in this society. It is
my belief that only if there are different opinions, can we make ourselves
better. The only thing that would guarantee that everything remained equal is by
making sure everyone followed the contract (notice I’m stressing the contract
a lot). By following the contract, we assure equal treatment of everyone. And of
course all those who break the contract will be punished equally without
discrimination. The way that I can guarantee that everyone follows the rules is,
again, through altruism. This is exactly why we need altruism in order to keep
order in the anarchist utopia. If people don’t give a rat’s ass about each
other, then this system will never work. Entertainment would be the same as
today, with moderation of course. People would watch TV, music will still be
written, and nothing will be censored. These things would be considered
necessities because they are the way that people are informed. Without these
essential tools, people would not be informed about their surroundings and it
would make way for a leader to form. And since these things are necessities,
they would also be taught to the young generations by the older ones. So in
conclusion, the only good government is no government at all. By getting rid of
all those above us, we create the perfect society, we create Utopia. And this is
the only way to achieve it.
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