Essay, Research Paper: Abortion


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have finally decided that I should tackle an issue of grave importance in the
world today. That issue is abortion. You have heard the arguments from all sides
I am sure. It is a personal choice. It is murder. It is something the government
should have no place in. It is something the government should be involved in.
It is something I can tolerate but I do not want my tax dollars going to fund
it. What stand am I going to take on this issue? I am not sure I have a stance,
all I have are questions and observations. In the following document, I shall
attempt to share them with you. What is abortion? Well according to Merriam
Webster’s dictionary abortion is defined as follows: Main Entry: abor·tion
Pronunciation: &-'bor-sh&n Function: noun Date: 1547 1 : the termination
of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the
death of the embryo or fetus: as a : spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus
during the first 12 weeks of gestation -- compare MISCARRIAGE b : induced
expulsion of a human fetus c : expulsion of a fetus by a domestic animal often
due to infection at any time before completion of pregnancy -- compare
CONTAGIOUS ABORTION 2 : MONSTROSITY 3 : arrest of development (as of a part or
process) resulting in imperfection; also : a result of such arrest Roget’s
thesaurus breaks the word down into two categories for its synonyms. Those two
categories are: nonpreparation and failure followed by rather extensive lists of
words meaning the same. The connotations are obvious. However, I have to ask
myself, should we attempt to stop abortion? I have often joked that abortion is
fine, after all, stupid people shouldn’t breed. Now I find myself thinking
about this joke in detail. What is the purpose of life? What, ultimately is
hardwired deep in the genes of our species. A need to procreate, a desire to
extend our genetic legacy into future generations. Survival of the species. Some
animals will kill the young to establish their dominance, allowing only a few to
survive. The lucky few. However, a race that kills too many of its young is at
genetic dead end. A species that has no concern or regard for its young goes
against survival of the species. This may sound like an argument opposing
abortion, but consider all the ramifications. On a strictly animal level, an
animal that allows its young to die should not breed, least it pass on that
trait to future offspring. Consequently, an animal that does so should have its
young destroyed, to prevent this trait from passing into the gene pool. I can
think of no stronger argument for abortion than this. I remember reading an
article once that stated that the fetus would often scream as it was
dismembered. Its obvious that this cannot be the case, because it is simply a
mass of tissue, a grouping of cells, something that is not yet human, or
subhuman is you prefer. In that case dismembering the fetus is no crime. Neither
would giving an injection to induce premature labor, inducing a heart attack, or
poisoning the fetus so that its heart stops beating. Despite the fact that that
the fetus has a human form, eyes, legs, arms, a heart, and often a different
blood type than the mother, it isn’t human. There is of course plenty of
historical precedence to support the fact that something may look human, but is
in fact not. Any Plantation owner in the old south of America could tell you as
much. Doesn’t this sound good? Doesn’t it sound familiar? It simply a reflex
reaction that causes the screaming-like reaction, not pain, and after all, you
can’t physically hear any screaming so its obviously isn’t there. It’s as
plain as the nose on your face. After all, the walls were pretty thick at
Auschwitz; you couldn’t hear any screaming there either. America is obviously
falling behind other nations of the world today in industrial capacity. After
all, 1940’s Germany managed to take care of eleven million unwanted
pregnancies in just a few short years. America has eliminated three times that
many, but has taken five times as long. It is clear to me that we need to step
up the process. After all, what better way to cut spending then by eliminating
future generations that have the potential to go on welfare and spend my hard
earned money. What is this you say? Not every child that is born goes on
welfare? Well I can confidently say that 100% of aborted fetuses would go on
welfare. After all, if they’re never born, how can you prove me wrong? What is
this you say? They could be great scientists, leaders, authors, engineers, poets
and more. Well again, I can confidently say that you are wrong, because we will
never know will we? And of course, abortion is useful in preventing genetic
imperfections into our modern gene pool. What a world we could live in if we
were free from the horrors of Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Tay-Sachs
Disease, Neurofibromatoses, diabetes, and the like. Just think about it, you
would never have to see people like that again. It wouldn’t be necessary to
hide them from the world; they quite simply wouldn’t be here. Think of it, we
would have achieved the master race. Doesn’t that sound good? Doesn’t that
sound familiar? Think about it, just think about it for one moment. Is this the
world you want to live in? Is this a world you can accept? I know my answer to
that question. Not on my watch.

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