Essay, Research Paper: Alcohol In College

Alcohol and Drugs

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Alcohol is a huge problem on most college campus's. Twenty one may be the legal
drinking age, but some how minors find a way to get a hold of alcohol. People as
young as fifteen are able to get their hands on an alcoholic beverage. Alcohol
is said to be the chosen drug among college students. College students have a
tendency to drink more then the general population. It is said that college
students spend approximately $4.2 billion annually an alcohol. This money is
spent on 430 gallons of alcoholic beverages, and 4 million cans of beer. The
type of college, geographical location, the ethnic and gender makeup plays a
role in the amount of drinking that occurs on campus. For example colleges with
fraternities and sororities have higher statistics, this is because of their
sponsored parties. They drink more often, which contributes to heavier drinking.
Studies show that college students drink more when they are in a group, which
speaks to peer influences. When it comes to drinking on campus there is no legal
age so to speak. When someone goes to a party they don't get carded, they get a
cup. Studies show that students between the ages of 18-21 drink more then those
that are over 21. Statistics show that the younger the person the more he or she
drinks. Forty one percent of college students report to binge drinking, and
nearly four percent drink daily. Binge drinking is defined as four drinks for a
women in one sitting, and five drinks for a male in one sitting. Students that
binge drinker have even more problems then students who don't. Binge drinkers
are more likely to have hangovers and engage themselves in unplanned sexual
activity. There are endless consequences that come with drinking. A range of
problems occur due to alcohol consumption. The most popular problem that occurs
with drinking is academic problems, others include things such as trauma, date
rape, recklessness, vandalism and pregnancy in women. In a recent study 56,000
college students reported a slip in their grades. Students went from an A to D's
and F's, their GPA's dropped which will effects their future career plans as
well as any scholarships they are receiving. There are many organizations that
are trying to reduce these terrible statistics. Two for instance are MADD and
SADD. These such organizations help to raise awareness about alcohol and all
it's dangers. Colleges have even devised plans to reduce the amount of alcohol
consumed on their campus's. A college should provide students with alternate
activities, in order to prevent then from drinking. Campus facilities should
remain open, and college's should expand their recreational activities on nights
and weekends. Many college's have strict rules and regulation concerning
alcohol. Here are some more ways that college's are trying to prevent and reduce
alcohol problems. First, they enforce their rules and regulations. Failure to
abide by these rules will result in a fine, probation, community service, or
even suspension in the severe cases. Secondly, they reduce availability by
banning beer, and parties on campus. Thirdly, college's have been banning
advertising alcoholic beverages in school newspapers and throughout the campus.
Most colleges feel that advertisement has a big influence on students. It not
only puts the idea in their head, but it also advertise's cheap beer. If
students knows that a certain beer is cheap that will give then an incentive to
go out and buy the beer. Another way that colleges are trying to reduce the
alcohol consumption is buy counseling. Buy constantly reinforcing the dangers of
drinking, college's hope that students will listen and stop drinking. I decided
to interview one of my teachers, in order to get her opinion about alcohol on
college campus's. She has a son that is presently looking for a college. I was
curious to see how she felt about sending her son away to a college, with all
the talk about alcohol on campus's. After talking with my teacher I realized
that every parent is worried about the amount of alcohol on college campus's.
She said that she was "very nervous" and "worried" about the
amount of alcohol on college campus's. She also said that she feels
"confident that her son will make responsible decisions while in
college". Parents often talk to their children about drugs and alcohol, and
my professor has already had a "discussion" with her so. I feel that
parents do have their child's best interest in mind. Parents are not dumb they
know what goes on at college. Most parents are prepared for the stories and the
"talks". My feelings on drinking has greatly changed after attending
college. In high school, I used to party all the time. The parties in high
school were nothing like the one's at college. Now I know why everyone says that
you haven't been to a party, until you've been to a college party. I never
witnessed binge drinking until I came to college. I have no problem with
partying. Sure I like to drink, once in a while, but not everyday. Here on
campus the parties start on Wednesday, and go until Saturday. Even before
Wednesday people are talking about drinking and which house is having the party.
I feel that drinking in college get extremely out of control. In the three
months that I have been here, I have heard, and saw some scary things. One girl
in my dorm almost got rapped because a guy was too drunk. Another girl in my
dorm lost her virginity to a guy she didn't know, because they were both so
hammered. Alcohol is not only a dangerous drug, but it also can make or break
you. The girl that lost her virginity now has a horrible rep, and no one wants
to be seen with her. I know so many people that have messed around with guys
because they were drunk. I don't know about you but I don't think I could mess
around with a guy that I don't know, and on top of that hardly remember what
happened. Alcohol is an extremely addictive and dangerous. There are some many
college students that have either ruined their rep or gotten kicked out of
school because of alcohol. Honestly does stumbling, vomiting, and basically
looking like a fool sound fun, I don't think so. If you are going to drink, at
least have control, drink in moderation and be careful. I know that when I drink
I never leave my friends, nor do I drink too much, because I have people that
watch out for me. "Getting drunk doesn't need to be a rite of passage, and
hangovers aren't a prerequisite for graduation" (Shalala).

Shalala, Donna, E. College Students and Drinking. National Institute on
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (No 29). July 1995

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