Essay, Research Paper: Kennedy Murder

American History

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If Lee Harvey Oswald killed J.F.K. and it wasn’t a conspiracy, then why
is the government still withholding reports done on the assassination from the
public’s eyes, in the FBI’s possession? President Kennedy was assassinated
in 1963 on November 22. He was elected president in 1961. First he was a
senator. Then he went straight from Capitol Hill to the White House. Robert
Kennedy was attorney general and was J. F. K.'s brother. He was head of the
investigation of the assassination after Kennedy was killed (3: 1-5). Both
Robert and J. F. K. knew that people wanted to kill them. J. F. K. didn’t
worry about it. But after John F. Kennedy was killed, his brother Robert Kennedy
ordered that the casket was to be kept closed to public viewing. Robert thought
it would have been him to get killed first, not his brother (5: 83). Robert
encouraged his brother to sign three anti-crime bills. The bills targeted
organized crime. They were used to stop gambling or at least crack down on it
(7: NP). But even with the bills, the FBI director, Hoover, was afraid to go
after the mob before the assassination because he thought his agents would
become corrupt, and because Castro knew about the conspiracy against him. Hoover
even told his agents that if the Mafia caught them, they would be fired and
would be treated as a renegade (5: 84). The government didn’t approve of the
crack down on the mob that was in America. Teddy Kennedy loved busting the
Mafia. People like Jimmy Hoffa. Even Frank Sinatra became close friends with
Teddy, even made trips to the White House (3: 12-18). But just like his brother
John, Robert was also killed (3: 105). After the assassination Robert carried on
the bills and got killed also (3: 105). In 1962 Cuba was known to have missiles
from the Soviet Union in Cuba. They thought Cuba or the Soviet Union would make
a nuclear strike. Accused of helping the soviet union wage war on the U.S.,
enemies and suspects were made (7: NP). Neither the FBI nor the CIA approved of
getting into the Vietnam War. They didn’t approve of any of the president’s
decisions (3: 105). There were three shots, even a possible four. Some people
think that the last shot was one from an agent’s gun going off into J.F.K.’s
head after reacting to the shots (5: 84-85). The first shot missed. The second
shot hit J.F.K.’s shoulder, back, and throat; and Connally’s shoulder,
wrist, and leg (5: 84-85). But how could one bullet travel with that much force
to go through all of that flesh? The third shot was fatal to Kennedy but was
very far away, very accurate, and deadly efficient (5: 99). Even the FBI’s
best couldn’t shot with Oswald’s gun that accurately (5: 84-85). The gun was
tested by the FBI and was found to be off centered. Many people coming from the
grassy knoll heard the possible fourth shot. Someone was also seen running away
from the knoll and was seen lingering there before the shots rang out. Whoever
it was seemed to look like a FBI agent. The three shots that rang out on that
very famous day can not be done in that same amount of time or with that
accuracy even today (5: 84-85). Oswald was a very simple person with many mental
problems. He mail ordered the gun that he supposedly shot Kennedy with. It only
cost 21 dollars and was bought under a bogus name (5: 90). And after buying the
gun Oswald had his wife take a picture of him holding the gun up by his side (3:
1-3). Why would Oswald take a picture of himself and the gun if he was planning
to kill the President? You can’t expect a very good shot to come from a mail
order gun for 21 dollars and with a mental case handling it. During the middle
of the cold war Oswald ran to Russia and came home disillusioned. Oswald tried
to get citizenship in Moscow and when they refused him he cut his wrists (5:
71). And soon after Oswald met with Valery Vladimirovich Kostikov, a Russian
ambassador, and with out Oswald knowing, he wrote a memo to his superiors asking
if Oswald was in or out of the assassination plot (5: 90). Oswald was such a bad
shot that once while he was still in the marines he shot himself in the foot
while at post in Japan. Oswald wanted to leave the country so bad that he wanted
to go to Cuba and even referred to the leader as “Uncle Fidel” (5: 72). Why
would an American Marine want to go to Cuba where they were hated? Oswald’s
friends said that Oswald admired Kennedy. He didn’t have a motive to kill
Kennedy. Even Oswald’s wife had a secret attraction to J.F.K., that even he
didn’t know about (5: 71-72). Oswald even tried to get his wife to come with
him to Dallas to see the President. When she refused him, she awoke the next
morning to find his wedding ring and all that they had saved together plus 170
dollars beside their bed (5: 72). No one even actually saw Oswald shoot Kennedy.
All that the people saw was Oswald running away from the scene (5: 94). How
could the FBI agents get such an accurate description of Oswald if he was
running away from the scene? The description was broadcast over the radio right
after the assassination. Oswald worked at the book depositary way before the
rote was made for Kennedy to come down (5: 94). How could Oswald have known that
Kennedy would have been coming that way that afternoon? Oswald denied shooting
J.F.K. after being caught and even denied shooting J.D. Tippit after Tippit
spotted him. Tippit was a Dallas police officer that was on the look out for
Oswald and spotted him in the book depository, where Oswald shot him (5: 72).
Jack Ruby shot Oswald as he was being escorted from his jail in Dallas to
another jail elsewhere. The night before Ruby shot Oswald he passed him in his
cell (5: 94). Why didn’t Ruby shot Oswald then? After the incident Ruby was
questioned why he did it and he answered that he thought he was being a hero (5:
94). The day he shot Oswald, Ruby left his trusted dog in his car. According to
his friends he never left his dog in his car (5: 95). The Warren Commission, the
FBI group hired to investigate the assassination, found out that Jack Ruby liked
to visit Cuba often. He often went to Cuba to visit the mob boss of Florida,
Sahtos Trafficante. It is also believed that Ruby and Oswald could have been in
Cuba at the same time (5: 99). Ruby even made many furious calls to his mob
contacts months before the assassination of Kennedy (5: 95). Lenny Patrick, the
Jewish capo (or chief of a crime family) of Chicago, knew Ruby and said that he
was not part of the mob and was unstable and unreliable (5: 87). Ruby use to
deliver envelopes for Al Capone and he loved playing the big shot (5: 94). It
was later found out that Ruby suffered from paranoid schizophrenia, which made
him hear voices, so he could have been influenced to do anything. But Ruby was
soon put in a mental institution and finally died of cancer in January 1967 (5:
95). The FBI put together the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination
after Ruby passed away. The Warren Commission Report was done all by the FBI and
filled 27 volumes and was released in September 1964, it states in those volumes
that Oswald acted alone (5: 90). The Warren Commission totally denied and
wouldn’t even look at the thought of any conspiracies, and just accepts that
Oswald killed Kennedy (5: 87,90). It was like each branch of the government was
trying to keep something hidden from the other, because even the CIA ignored
repeated requests on information about Ruby for six months, but when they did
give up information they turned up nothing (5: 94). The CIA for many years
covered up its own plots to kill foreign leaders. Plus the government jumped on
the theory that Oswald killed Kennedy (5: 95). Hoover, the head of the FBI,
seemed to like the fact that Oswald was shot, because he could rap up the case
up more quickly and didn’t seem to care if Ruby was a hit man for the mob (5:
84). Hoover blames his agents for not stopping Oswald and then covered it up (5:
87). But even Hoover resisted to print a statement saying that Oswald was a lone
gunman, because even he had his doubts (5: 90). The night before Oswald was shot
the FBI received an anonymous note that tipped them off that Oswald was going to
be shot the next day, but Oswald was under very little security while he was
being escorted by the FBI (5: 84,88). Desomond Fitzgerald of the CIA was eating
lunch when he heard J.F.K. was shot and turned white as a ghost (5: 68).
Fitzgerald even cried later on when he saw Oswald get shot by Jack Ruby and
said, “Now we’ll never know.” (5: 82) Later on after the Warren Commission
Report was released Washington stated that they didn’t think that Oswald acted
alone, but kept it quite to the public until after the reconstruction (5:90).
The FBI never did tell the Warren Commission about their plots to kill Castro,
but Castro knew and threatened to get the USA back for plotting to assassinate
him (5: 90,68). The CIA even hired the Mafia to kill Castro, but their half
dozen plots failed (5: 68). They also were known to ask the Chicago Mafia boss
Sam Giancana to rub out Castro (5: 62). Castro made the perfect person to blame
for the assassination. In a fit of rage to get back at the U.S. he could kill
the President. Hosty, a special agent at the FBI and a friend of Oswald, had his
phone number found in Oswald’s address book and walked into the FBI weeks
before the assassination. Oswald walked into the office and handed them a note
to give Hosty, telling them to leave his wife alone (5: 90). Why would the FBI
be after Oswald’s wife? After Hosty received the note the director of the FBI
ordered Hosty to get rid of the note Oswald left him (5: 84). Hosty was also
told by the FBI not to tell the Dallas police anymore than he had already told
them (5: 86). Why would the FBI be after Oswald’s wife? His wife was in no way
involved in the assassination. The only part Oswald’s wife played in the
assassination was she took the famous picture of Oswald holding the mail order
gun in his hand. In which Oswald claimed to be a fake. When trailed, Marina
Oswald testified that she thought that Lee Harvey Oswald was shooting at John
Connally, not J.F.K. Because the former Navy secretary brushed off Oswald’s
request to upgrade his Marine Corps discharge. Even a Dallas lawyer overheard
Oswald and Jack Ruby plotting the kill of Connally, while they were in the book
depository. So why would Oswald, a simple veteran who loved his country but
tried to escape it, have no motive, try to kill the President? Castro was the
one who was angry with the U.S., because they planed to assassinate him. And why
would the Warren Commission be made up of just FBI agents and not the CIA and
other branches of the government? And why doesn’t the government make the
report available to the public for viewing? Oswald did not kill the President,
but was used to take the blame for the assassination. Ruby was brain washed by
the Mafia to kill Oswald. And the Mafia was paid off by the government to hire

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