Essay, Research Paper: Computer Buying 


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Today, computers are common. Even the most conservative analysts suggest that
over forty percent of Canadian homes have one, and this figure rises
dramatically to well over sixty percent in urban centers, particularly in homes
when there are school-aged children or adults with professional or managerial
jobs. Buying a computer can be a daunting task, particularly if you're new to
the high technology marketplace. You will be spending anywhere from one to
several thousand dollars on the computer equipment alone, so you'll need to do
homework first. According to one old IBM advertisement, the average person
spends fifteen weeks, five days, twenty- three hours and fifty-eight minutes
searching for a new computer. If you're like most consumers, you'll spend that
time checking with a number of sources for the information you need to make
decisions. In order to save time and energy for buying a computer, you must
following the three steps: setting you up to doing your homework, focusing on
the homework itself to help you make decisions, and nailing your decision down
to closing the sale. These three steps will not only saving your time and
energy, it will also provide you the guidance you'll need to buy your computer.
Your fist step along the way to purchase your computer is to do your homework.
Homework might include the following: learning the lingo, doing some research,
visiting a few stores and dealing with salespeople. First, you should learn the
lingo. Knowing the Lingo will save you a lot of times toward buying computer
because you will face many opportunities to use it. For example, without knowing
these jargon, you might have difficulty understanding when you read the computer
materials; you might have difficulty understanding the conversation with
computer salespeople. As a result, it is worth of spending sometime to
understand the meaning of lingo. For example: Hardware, Software, Chip, CPU, PC,
ROM, RAM. Second, you should do some research to getting more information about
computer. You can research through local daily newspaper. Local daily newspaper
may have a computer section. There are also monthly computer newspapers. In
Canada, there are a number of free Canadian publications such as the Computer
Paper, Our Computer Player (Vancouver), Toronto Computes, Ottawa Monitor,
Winnipeg Computer Post are some of the examples you can search from. If you have
access to the Internet, it might also be a good place for doing some research.
Furthermore, the Internet also has various newsgroups that specialize in the
subject. There are also a variety of independent sites on the Web hosted by
individual with a mission to provide analysis. Finally, we come to visiting the
computer stores and dealing with the salespeople. Shopping around three to five
different computer stores is also helpful toward buying a computer. Many
computer stores offer similar computer products with different price and
warranty. It is wise to talk to the salespeople, asking as many question as you
have. Don't fret if you think your expertise is not the state of the art. In
fact, if you are willing to learn as you shop and take your time, you will end
up making an informed choice. The second step is focuses on the homework itself
by providing distinctions among the basic hardware options that will help you to
make some fundamental choices. As a result, there are several points that you
should know: the type, the feature, and the location of buying computer. First
point, you have to consider what type of the computer do you need. It is usually
the first choice every computer shopper has to make is between an IBM
-compatible, which is also known simply as a PC (for personal computer), and an
Apple Macintosh. The two rivals are built with different operating systems,
which until recently meant that software made for one of them couldn't run on
the other. In other ward, if you want the lowest price and the widest possible
choice of software, go with a PC. If ease of use matters most to you, then you
should pick a Macintosh. The second point you should consider is the feature of
the computer. You should ask yourself " How much computer power do you
need? " Whether you commit to a Mac or a PC, you want computing power
adequate to your personal needs plus some room to grow- without spending for
features you'll never use. It's important getting to know the three essential
computer components: the microprocessor, Random-access memory, and Hard drive
capacity. Understanding just those three components might have been enough for
you to choose a respectable computer. But now, home computers can perform far
more tasks, there are other terms that belong on your must-know list. Make sure,
for example, that you get a CD-ROM drive, the device for reading compact disks
that was virtually unheard of on home computers before 1992. Besides, you should
also consider how much you should spend on the computer's video and audio. Much
of the latest software comes with sound-ranging from simple human speech to full
orchestras. The third point is the location to buy the computer. Today, you can
buy a home computer at specialized computer shops; electronics stores that also
carry things like stereo system; discount office- supply stores like Office
Depot and Staples; vast computer " superstores" like Comp USA; and
mail-order operations of every size and description. Your decision here will
depend both on how much you can afford to pay and on how much hand-holding you
need while you pick out your system. In general, you will get the most personal
attention from computer shops and the least from mail order outlets, with the
others somewhere in between. The last step is the home stretch, where we will
discuss what's involved in nailing your decision down. At this point, you are
almost ready to buy your new computer. You have created your plan, done some
homework, and you have learned what the jargon means. In this final stage, you
should know the several points: budgeting, warranting and getting the manuals.
The first point- budgeting is the first and most important thing to realize when
assessing price quotes. Unless each component is listed and specified by
manufacturer and model, you don't have enough information to make a valid price
comparison. As a result, identifying the components and assessing their position
in the quality and performance pecking order will have occupied most of your
homework. The second point- warranting is also important element while buying
your computer. It doesn't matter how many promises the nice salesperson makes to
you. If those promises are not in writing, they don't exist. So, getting the
warranties, guarantees and promises on writing is very important point to
remember. Beside, you should also find out how long the store had been in
business and whether there were any other satisfied customers. Your best source
of information here are your friends, local computer user groups, and Internet
USENET newsgroups. The last steps, getting the manuals to in order to protects
you in the future. In fact, the manuals are yours by right and they are a basic
protection for you, whether you ever want to open the system yourself or not.
Think about it, if the retailer goes belly up, how else will you get someone to
fix the system if it breaks? As a result, one can see that buying a new computer
is not an easy task to do. It involved a lot of steps for you to do some
homework. Lot of problems and even some tears come from people who never talked
to anyone else, didn't do any research, and took the salesperson's word for
everything. Computers are supposed to help you make some part of your life
better, and using them should be enjoyable. If you don't agree with that, we
should be meet in here. Buying one shouldn't be terror, either. Wish you Good
luck for buying a new computer.
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