Essay, Research Paper: College Education


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People have very different reasons on why going to college and getting an
education is important for them. Some people go to college because that is what
is expected of them, and others go because they have nothing else better to do.
However, I am interested in going to college and obtaining a good education
because it will benefit my family, my country, and me. My parents have this
perfect life for me pictured in their heads, and the first thing they see me
doing is going to college. They expect the best of me, and so by going to
college, I will not only have fulfilled their goals for me, but I will have
accomplished one of the goals I have set for myself. In our culture, when
parents come to the age where they can’t support themselves, it is the duty of
the children to look after them. We don’t just throw our elders into
retirement homes and visit them twice every year. We are expected to meet their
wants and needs, and that will not be possible without a good education, which
will then lead to a good job. As you know, a college education is good for each
individual, but not only that, it is good for the country. As a college
education becomes more obtainable through the use of financial aid, our country
benefits the most. We are the future businessmen and women of America, and
through our knowledge, the country will grow. The education we get today will
help us prosper in the future, and the more we expand our horizons, the more the
economy will increase. If students are denied an education because they don’t
have the means to pay for college, then they are deprived of accomplishing their
goals and reaching their fullest potential. In the words of Michael Jackson,
“The dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face, and the world we
once believed in will shine again in grace.” With the students of today being
educated, the people of tomorrow will prosper. Now that I’ve explained how my
going to college is good for everyone else, I must explain why it is best for
me. My dreams and aspirations are to be so successful that I am not dependent on
anyone else. Ever since I was a little girl, I have wanted to be someone with
power. To obtain power, I have to first obtain the knowledge, and to do that, I
need to go to college. I have seen people become too dependent on others, and if
anything upsets that relationship, the dependent one just crumbles. I don’t
want that happening to me, so I plan to study hard, make good grades, and be a
top executive in a big firm. For me to accomplish that, I will need financial
assistance, because my family isn’t affluent enough to send three kids to
college at the same time. Going to college has been a dream of mine since I can
remember, and so I will try whatever it takes to make it there. Getting the
financial assistance I need will make things easier for my family and I, so I am
applying to many scholarships with the hopes that one of them will come through
for me. I don’t give up hope, and with the help of God, I will make it to
college, and I will graduate and go on to bigger and better things.

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