Essay, Research Paper: Good School


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According to Morrison, author of Teaching in America, schools are organized and
linked to society. In chapter 3, Morrison explains the role of schooling in
society, how public schools are organized, what it is like to teach in different
kinds of schools, what makes a good school, and how schools are changing. He
makes a lot of good points on the different topics in the chapter, but the
subject that I would like to elaborate more is on what makes a good school.
Every person who wants to put use their profession of teaching would most likely
want to teach in a good school. Every parent wants their children to go to a
good school. But what makes a good school? Well, Morrison explains the different
characteristics that make a good school. Here are some main points: Schools
should be a safe environment where children can go to learn. Teacher efficacy
must be present. Principal must have good management skills. There must me
commitment. And parent and community interaction with the school should be
present. I think that a good school is what everybody wants. Who would not want
to go to a good school? I don’t personally know what a bad school is like
because all my life I have been to private schools where there is a low student
teacher ratio. My school always provided a safe environment, teachers where
considered as impact teachers, and there was a presence of parent-teacher
interaction. I know some people who went to public schools and I could right
away see that the school was not a good one. All they would talk about was
fighting. Instead of them talking about what they learned in school, they talk
about how there was a fight in school or how they hate the teachers. I think
that public schools need to reform on their teaching methods and their
interaction with the children. Teachers must have the compassion to help the
children learn as well as to provide a safe environment. George S.
Morrison,Teaching in America: What Makes a Good Teacher( Needham Heights, MA: A
Viacom Company, 1997), pp.87-124.

George S. Morrison,Teaching in America: What Makes a Good Teacher( Needham
Heights, MA: A Viacom Company, 1997), pp.87-124.

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