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As most of my peers, I have been asking myself a question, what do I want out of
my life? This question bothers many people, and not only the college students
who are trying to figure out the path that will lead them to the comfortable
life. One might ask, what is that comfort that we all are striving for? Is it a
state of mind or is it some unknown world that we are so eager to enter. It
varies from person to person; there are several aspects of our lives that could
influence us and the future decisions that we’ll make. The biggest part of our
decision-making is the way we were raised and the culture we have gotten used
to. Many Americans believe that the success depends on the family background
that we have. There are those who say that if the person was raised in a rich
family, all opportunities are available to them and there is a high chance that
this person will live a comfortable life. The same people say that if the person
was raised in a poor family there are too many obstacles to overcome and most of
the time these barriers on the way are too hard to cross. On the other hand,
there are those people who say that the America is a land of opportunities and
any person could achieve their goals if they set their mind to it. Sarah, a good
friend was born in a rich family. She never had to worry about the basic needs
like food, shelter or security, and all the resources were provided thanks to
the excessive amount of money. She was handed everything she wanted from the day
she was born, until our graduating year. Sarah always wore designer clothes, and
was looked up to by all the lower classman. She used to brag about her parents
knowing everyone in town, and how she could land a job or go to any college she
wanted to without even trying. On the other hand, I grew up in a one-parent
household that never had a lot of money. My mom had to keep three jobs in order
to provide the necessities for us. My mom immigrated from Hungary with limited
resources. She could speak no English and barley had any money. She was willing
to do what every it took to give us a decent life style. We did not go out to
restaurants often and she would always try to save money by limiting extra
expenses. Within a short period of time we were considered middle class average
family. I was taught early on the value hard work. The values that were
installed in me were very different then Sarah. I was always taught that hard
work and dedication would pay off. Sarah was thought that she never had to do
anything to receive the good things out of life. We have kept in touch over the
years, and the part of me that used to be jealous was now thankful for not
having everything handed to me. I have worked hard to get the job I have wanted,
have a place of my own, a nice car, and extra money. Sarah is still having to
rely on her family to help with the bills, and can’t hold a job down. To
strive for a certain goal and not to lose interest or motivation is the name of
the game for this century. Only then, the desirable state of mind and
“pocket” will be achieved. The life that so many people are dreaming of is
only a few steps away.
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