Essay, Research Paper: Glass Meragerie By Williams


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“The Glass Menagerie”, is a adorable little play written be Tennessee
Williams. The play takes place in tiny apartment, behind an ally, during the
1940’s. There is three main charecters, Amanda, Tom, and Laura. Amanda, the
mother takes care of her two children as a single mother. She likes to have
whats best for the both of her children, but somethimes favors Amanda more.
Amanda is a worrier, who is upset all the time, and still crys over her husband
leaving her. Tom is the narrator, and brother of Laura. He works in a factory,
and always after work he would go to the movies and get drunk. Laura is
Amanda’s other child who has a crippled leg. She is very selfconcous about
herself, and always looks at the bad things, instead of good. Amanda treats
Laura as if she is crippled, and believes because she is twenty- one, will never
have a gentleman caller. Which is a very big deal towards Amanda. Laura is very
shy and instread of worrying about guys, she’d rather play with her glass
menagerie collection. Her glass menagerie collection, reminds us of her
throughout the whole play, as in being so fraggle and small. Towards the end of
the play, Laura recieves a gentleman caller. His name is Jim, he is a nice
average man, and he is brought home with Tom because, they both work together.
Amanda makes a huge deal out of this; she thinks that she has to get Laura a new
dress, clean the house up spotless, and make a big dinner. There is one problem
though, they hardly have any money. She does the best she can, and Laura shines
like a dimond. When Jim arrives, he turns out to be an old buddy from high
school, Laura secrectly adored. At the sight of him she almosts faints. After
dinner, she finnaly begins to talk to him alone. He thinks that she is beautiful
and tries to show her all the good things in life. She shows him her glass
menagerie, and they dance. While dancing, he leans over and kisses her, but he
drops Laura’s favorite glass animal. He apoligies, and explains how he
shouldn’t of kissed her because, he is ingaged. Laura is heart broken very
badly, she has never had anyone to hurt her like this before. It just goes to
show how fragle she is in “The Glass Menagerie”.
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