Essay, Research Paper: Cancer Treatment


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There are many ways to treat cancer. In fact, when you enter "cancer
treatments" into any web browser you will find millions of web sites on how
to treat cancer. Some examples of these treatments are chemotherapy, oxygen
therapy, vitamin D therapy, food therapy, immunotherapy, and many others.
Certain types of therapies go with certain types of cancers. For example,
vitamin D therapy goes with breast cancer and immunotherapy goes with colon
cancer. Cancer has taken the lives of millions of people and I believe it is
important to inform people of what treatments are circulating in the medical
profession. The human genome project's goal is to map and sequence the tens of
thousands of genes that make up the human genome (Johnson 222). The project is
sponsored jointly by the National Institutes of Health and the Department of
Energy and has an expected cost of 3 billion dollars (Johnson 222). The project
makes genetic diseases its focus. Over 500,000 people die each year because of
cancer (Johnson 222). The genome project will be able to identify harmful
hereditary genes such as cancer and eliminate them. Thus, cancer can be
prevented and people will live longer. Oxygen therapy uses the fact that the
cancer virus is anaerobic (Gallcci 2). All this means is that cancer can only
live through the absence of oxygen. There have been many cancer patients who
have been cured by oxygen therapy (Gallcci 2). As a matter of fact, exposure to
oxygen will kill most cancers completely (Gallcci 3). In 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg
was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his discovery that the cause of
cancer is a lack of oxygen at the cellular level (Gallcci 2). Scientists have
extracted air from bubbles preserved in fossilized amber; when that air was
analyzed it contained 38 percent oxygen (Gallcci 3). This is very important
because the air which we breathe at the moment has an average oxygen content of
21 percent or less (Gallcci 3). A human being cannot survive at 7 percent oxygen
or lower. A procedure used to increase the level of oxygen in the body is the
use of hydrogen peroxide or H202 (Gallcci 3). When hydrogen peroxide is added to
the body, the H202 transforms into H20 and oxygen (Gallcci 4). The oxygen atom
then attaches to a cell, and levels of oxygen go up immediately. Only food grade
hydrogen peroxide can be used. Then once it has been diluted it can be given
intravenously, absorbed through the skin, or ingested (Gallcci 4). Your doctor
will not tell you about this process; that is, an American doctor will not. One
reason is that there is no cash incentive for the medical industry to promote
it. In other countries such as Germany, Russia, and Cuba it will cost around ten
U.S. dollars (Gallcci 4). Vitamin D therapy can lower the risk of getting breast
cancer up to 30% (Smith 16). A study on nearly 5,000 women found this to be
true. Similarly, women who lived in sunny climates had a much lower risk of
getting breast cancer (Smith 16). The answer to this phenomenon is vitamin D,
which is produced by the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. For the full
treatment to take effect doctors recommend exposure to direct sunlight for about
10 to 15 minutes (Smith 17). There is a cure formula for organ cancers. Cancer
is caused by a certain parasite (Beckwith 2). It takes 60 days to kill the
parasites which cause organ cancer (Beckwith 3). Once the cancer is killed it
can take as long as 180 days to return to normal health (Beckwith 2). Evidence
for this parasite has been uncovered in every type of cancer known to man
(Beckwith 3). Over 100 cases of organ cancer were cured using this herbal
formula (Beckwith 2). This herbal method of curing cancers is not supported at
all by United States doctors for a couple of reasons. For one, the practitioners
of this herbal therapy disregard scientific facts. They do not believe that lung
cancer is caused by smoking, colon cancer is caused by a low roughage diet,
retinal blastoma is caused by a rare heritited gene, and pancreatic cancer is
caused by alcohol consumption (Beckwith 4). Also, many of the people which have
gone on these herbal diets have died. So, there is a much higher chance of
someone dying from using the herbal treatment than having their cancer cured by
it. This treatment's effectiveness also varies on the person's immune system
(Beckwith 3). If it is a strong immune system he/she may be cured, but if the
person's immune system is weak their cancer condition may become worse. A
positive mental attitude is a cancer treatment which applies to all types of
cancer. Medical doctors estimate that 70 percent of all illnesses are
psychosomatic or stress induced (Hurt 5). It is important for cancer patients to
believe that every therapy they use is doing them good. This belief will affect
their entire body (Hurt 5). The more positive a person feels, the better their
body feels, the quicker they heal. A positive mental attitude will boost a
patient's immune system and will get them through rough times of their illness
(Hurt 5). Dr. Cleve Backster, a world famous authority on lie detectors,
connected his galvanometer to a plant and watched the recorder needle register a
response when he threw live shrimp into boiling water. He proved that one cannot
conduct an experiment while thinking of them as experiments, since the
experiment's thoughts affect the outcome of the experiment (Hurt 5). He
demonstrated that not only plants but also a person's own cells are highly
responsive to what people think (Hurt 5). Radiation therapy may kill the cancer
cells in your body, but simultaneously it is damaging your body. It fact,
radiation will shorten your life (Livingston 9). Since radiation therapy uses
radiation to kill the cancer cells it weakens your body's immune system while
killing the cancer (Livingston 9). Also, when radiation therapy is in effect it
will damage other organs in your body depending on where the cancer is in your
body (Livingston 13). My grandmother had undergone radiation therapy and it
destroyed all the cells in her bone. Because of this the bone died. A physician
in San Francisco, Dr. Collin H. Dong, told America that, "Radiation and
drugs only make a battlefield out of your body. And when was the last time you
saw anything beautiful growing on the battlefield (Livingston 13)?" This
goes with radiation therapy because while it may be killing the tumor in your
body it is also weakening your immune system. This makes the termination of the
tumor only temporary, and you are prone to having another tumor or the same one
grow back in its place (Livingston 9). Only 15 percent of 10,000 patients are
helped by radiation therapy (Livingston 13). The immunotherapy program was
developed by Dr. Virginia Livingston (244). This treatment is very effective and
does not damage your body in the process. Eighty-two percent out of 10,000
cancer patients have been helped by immunotherapy (Livingston 244). Proper diet,
vaccines, and vitamins are used in immunotherapy (Livingston 13). Besides
treatments such as surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy; immunotherapy will not
weaken your immune system and will not shorten the life span of the patient
(Livingston 245). Dr. Virginia Livingston believes that a strong diet equals a
strong immune system (Livingston 13). The vaccines used are autogenous. This
means that the vaccine is made up of specific microbes which pertain to the
patients own body fluids and or tumors (Livingston 246). This customization of
vaccine treatments is highly effective. Vitamins A, C, and E as well as other
nutrients are given to the patient as well in order to boost up the patient's
immunity (Livingston 244). The most important part of immunotherapy is the
patient's diet (Livingston 13). It involves many recipes and foods which can be
bought at any food store. Immunotherapy is a very effective a safe treatment for
all cancers. Food therapy is a lot like immunotherapy. Food therapy uses only
healthy foods in their program, while immunotherapy incorporates vaccines and
vitamin treatments. Dr. Donald Germann wrote his book The Anti-Cancer Diet with
cancer prevention in mind but it can also be used as a treatment (23). He
believes that if you do not eat foods without chemicals and contaminants, you
can increase your chances of not getting cancer at all (Germann 15). He also
believes that a healthy lifestyle incorporated with exercise will avoid you
getting cancer (Germann 34). It is best to start the food therapy process before
you get cancer, but the food therapy treatment can help your immune system fight
cancer if you already have it. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy is the new
technologically advanced way for treating cancer using radiation therapy (Hurt
3). This new way of treating cancer was discovered by Beverly Oncology and
Imaging Centers (Hurt 3). The system is state-of-the-art and enables doctors to
treat life-threating cancers such as brain cancer without surgery (Hurt 4). It
is acclaimed to treat multiple brain tumors in a single pass of the machine
(Hurt 5). The machine can focus on areas of the head and neck without damaging
the paraotid gland (Hurt 5). Because of this the radiation can be focused
precisely on an area without damaging the rest of the body. The machine uses an
accurate dosage of 10,000 converging beams of photons or "x-rays" per
session (Hurt 5). Unlike other medical devices used by physicians to treat
cancer with radiation, the intensity modulated cancer machine uses a computer to
form over 5,000 possible ways to treat the tumor in the person's body (Hurt 6).
This is good because of its accuracy. Now, instead of a physician making an
educated guess on where to use an x-ray machine on a patient's body they can
accurately pinpoint where they want the radiation to go using a computer (Hurt
6). For a patient who is undergoing this new radiation treatment, a physician
will tell them the amount of sessions they will have to take. The sessions range
anywhere from 1 to 28 sessions (Hurt 4). The actual treatment session usually
takes less than 30 minutes (Hurt 5). The system has been approved by the FDA
(Hurt 2). This system involves a much safer way of using radiation treatment
rather than using old fashioned and now outdated radiation therapy (Hurt 6). The
device used is also a lot more patient friendly because it does not use screws
to secure a patient's skull (Hurt 6). This radiation treatment is the way to
treat cancer for the 21st century. Cancer treatments are increasing everyday.
There are so many of them that is important to find out which ones are safe and
which ones are not. This is very important because the patient does not want to
make his/her time of treating the cancer successfully any shorter than it
already is. Statistics show that one out of every four people in the United
States will become infected with cancer (Livingston 18). That is a very large
ratio. Also, 500,000 people die each year of cancer (Johnson 222). Perhaps one
day there will be a cure for all types of cancers and we will not be plagued by
this killer. Until that day we should use only those cancer treatments which are
healthy and do not hurt the immune system.

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