Essay, Research Paper: Diet Pills


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In today's materialistic driven society, people are judged in every possible
aspect. From their appearance, background, social status, way or thinking to
their friends, families. The need to be accepted and admired by others
captivates the minds of many men and women of today. This conquest for social
acceptance becomes so real that the idea then becomes an obsession. The way we
look plays a big role in our lives. It determines the way others see us and from
that, it will then determine how we feel about ourselves. One major proponent of
appearance is our weight. Do you ever notice that the most admired and said to
be most popular girls in school are the sexiest, slimmest and most flaunting
girls? They are the ones that upon passing by make the guys stop and take a
second look. Not only that but this applies to men as well. The most
heart-throbbed, crushed on guys are those with firm-cut bods, most of the time
carrying footballs or basketballs. From these observations, it becomes a known
fact, not only for the young generation, that men and women are obsessed with
their weights. And why not?? Whenever you turn on the television or open a
magazine all you see are beautiful people flaunting their beautiful bodies. This
constant images of seeing sexy idealistic people implants a message in our minds
that this is the way all men/women should look in order to be beautiful. And
because of this, we subject ourselves to abusing our health and bodies just so
we can be like those perfect images. As early as I can recall, there have been
ways and tactics created by man to loose weight as fast as they can. The faster
and easier, the better. In the past three years, there has been an abundant
intrusion of "diet pills" that has hit the Philippines. The first one
that hit was an appetite suppressant drug called Ionamin. It apparently
stimulates the brain's appetite-control center into thinking that your stomach
is always full. It is an effective weight loss drug that enables one to lose the
weight desired in a short amount of time. Consequently, the drug was found to
have unpleasant adverse side effects. These are: mood changes, blurred vision,
unpleasant taste or dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, urinary
urgency, false sense of well-being. It was a non-prescription drug easily that
could easily be bought by anyone until studies showed much side effects very
harmful to one's health. Next and still quite popular with the public are Bankok
pills. These pills are so in demand in the Philippines that people are willing
to pay thousands of pesos for just a 2week supply of those pills and further,
they are bought through connections because they are not just sold anywhere in
any drugstore. This drug taken morning and night somehow also works as a
appetite suppressant but the way it gets rid of your unwanted excess weight is
by taking it out through your bodily fluids. In other words, when inducing the
drug you are subjected to constant urination. It takes out so much that it also
takes out the liquids that your body needs to maintain itself. Your urine will
turn into a clear almost like water appearance from the usual yellow color. This
will then cause and leave you feeling dehydrated. In my opinion, using bankok
pills for weight reduction may work fast but the results are ill looking. The
weight that you loose will leave you looking dry and malnutritioned. Basically
you will look unhealthy and ugly. Recently, a new drug was introduced in the
weight loss market, Xenical, the generic name for Orlistat. This is an
anti-obesity agent manufactured by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. It is a lipase
inhibitor for obesity management that acts by inhibiting the absorption of
dietary fats. This drug on the other hand, disposes unwanted body fats by
secreting it through your feces coming out in the form of oil. Sometimes your
"poop" will even just seep through as all oil. Also, throughout the
days of treatment, you will experience oil-spotting discharges. This drug is a
prescription drug used to cure obesity for medical purposes so there are still
studies to make as to how the drug will affect people who just take the drug for
quick diet purposes. But like all drugs there is a good possibility that it
could be harmful to us when taken ignorantly. Subjecting yourself to habit
forming diet pills that are bad for your health so that you can reach the weight
and look you want is not the proper way. Also, once you stop using the pill you
will quickly gain twice as much as you lost in the first place, faster than you
can make it back to the store to buy some more pills. The one who looks good or
feels good about themselves doesn’t necessarily have to be the thinnest one in
the group. In fact nowadays people with curves are the ones who are thought of
as sexy. I mean, if you are to put your arms around someone, would you want to
hold a bag of bones or hold someone who is soft and who actually has something
to be held? And besides, what makes a person beautiful is the person as a whole.
Their mind, personality, attitude…being in his or herself! Of course
maintaining the proper weight is always good but doing it the right way like
exercising and eating right is a better healthier way to do it. In that case
your body will also slowly but effectively condition itself to eating right and
working out regularly so that your body will remain healthy and maintain itself
at the proper weight you desire. So if I were you, don’t be an empty-headed
person who would harm themselves just so that they can look good for other
people who don’t even admire them for their inner being but for how they look
in a bathing suit.

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