Essay, Research Paper: Lung Cancer


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“Lung cancer is an uncontrolled, extremely deadly division of cells in the
lung” (World Book, “Lung Cancer”). The two major types of lung cancer
include small and non-small cell. Many different risk factors contribute to lung
cancer. There are numerous symptoms that are difficult to detect in the early
stages of lung cancer. Doctors use special machines to detect the severity of
each stage. Treatments and cures differ in each individual case. Lung cancer is
a huge problem because it is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and
women (Microsoft, “Lung Cancer”). Both small cell and non-small cell lung
cancer affect different types of cells in the lung and spread in different ways.
Small cell lung cancer is limited to a section of the chest known as the
hemithorax and regional lymph nodes (World Book, “Lung Cancer”). Small cell
lung cancer usually exists early and spreads out abruptly (Virtual Hospital,
3/23/99). Non-small cell lung cancer is first confined to the lung, then spreads
throughout the chest (MSKCC, “Lung Cancer”). Small cell lung cancer spreads
quickly (World Book, “Lung Cancer”). In the United States 85 to 90 percent
of all lung cancer cases are related to smoking. Cigarette smoking is the main
cause of lung cancer (Scientific American, “Lung Cancer”). Second-hand
smoke, inhaled by non-smokers, increases a person’s chance of acquiring lung
cancer (Beau Halton). Men who smoke increase their chance of dying from lung
cancer about 23 times and women increase their chances 13 times (“Lung Cancer
Awareness Campaign,” 3/23/99). However, lung cancer may also be caused by long
term exposure to radon, a naturally present radioactive gas (SIRS, “What is
Cancer?”). The residue of burned petroleum and coal can contribute to lung
cancer (Scientific American, “Lung Cancer”). The development of lung cancer
seems to be also affected by genes. The gene histidine triad blocks the
formation of tumors, so a defective gene could make one more likely to form a
tumor (Microsoft, “Lung Cancer”). In the early stages of lung cancer,
symptoms are hard to recognize. Symptoms usually include a persistent cough,
coughing up blood, weight loss, chest or shoulder pain, swelling in the face or
neck, shortness of breath, and a hoarse voice (Microsoft, “Lung Cancer”).
Repeated cases of pneumonia, a virus in which the lungs become inflamed, or
bronchitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchia tubes, may be
warning signs for lung cancer (Scientific American, “Lung Cancer”). Bone
pain, headaches, and dizziness are observations that the lung cancer has spread
(Microsoft, “Lung Cancer”). New technology is used on patients when a
physician suspects lung cancer. Chest x-rays are used to examine the lungs for
tumors (World Book, “Lung Cancer”). A CAT scan, series of x-ray images put
together by a computer, is also performed (Scientific American, “Lung
Cancer”). During a biopsy, a physician removes a small amount of tissue and
examines it. A microscope is used to analyze cells in order to determine whether
a tumor is malignant, tending to grow and spread throughout the body (MSKCC,
“Lung Cancer”). Treatment depends on the type of lung cancer, the size of
the tumor, the location of the tumor, the stage of illness, the age of the
patient, and the overall health of the patient (Microsoft, “Lung Cancer).
Surgery is performed to remove the tumor if there is no chance that the cancer
has spread (Scientific American, “Lung Cancer”). If the disease has spread,
then treatment will often include radiation therapy and chemotherapy (MSKCC,
“Lung Cancer”). Radiation therapy is based on the use of ionizing radiation
to destroy cancerous cells (Microsoft, “Radiology”). Chemotherapy is
treatment of a disease using drugs that directly poison the disease organism
(Microsoft, “Chemotherapy”). Early stage non-small cell lung cancers are
best treated surgically and later stage non-small cell lung cancers are best
treated with either chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of the two
(Virtual Hospital, 3/23/99). For small cell lung cancers, chemotherapy by itself
or with radiation therapy is used instead of surgery (Scientific American
“Lung Cancer”). Approximately 152,700 people die each year on account of the
colossal lung cancer problem (Microsoft, “Lung Cancer”). Small and non-small
cell lung cancers are the two main types of lung cancer. White males prove to be
the most affected from lung cancer. High-fat diets and smokers with family
histories of heavy smoking are significant factors contributing to lung cancer
(Beau Halton). More than two million American smokers have died from
smoking-related lung cancer since 1964, when the Surgeon General released the
first report on smoking and health (“Lung Cancer Awareness Campaign,”
3/23/99). Smoking is shown to be the primary cause of lung cancer and people
still chose to smoke. The great majority of lung cancer cases could be prevented
and thousands of lives could be saved each year if people quit smoking
(Microsoft, “Lung Cancer).
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