Essay, Research Paper: Prostate Cancer


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The prostate is a gland that is located just underneath the bladder. It
surrounds the urethra through which a man urinates. The prostate gland is
therefore vital to proper bladder control and urine flow-rate. The prostate is
also essential for normal sexual function. It is the gland of ejaculation,
supplying 95% of the seminal fluid and the power to push it through the urethra
and out of the penis. The normal prostate in an adult man is about the size of a
walnut. Its size often increases over time, however, particularly once a man
gets beyond age 40. Because the urethra runs right through the middle of it, a
growth spurt of the prostate will squeeze the urethra and begin to choke off the
urinary flow. This can effect the ability to urinate and perform sexually.
Symptoms of Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer occurs when some of the cells that
make up the prostate gland escape from the normal controls on their growth and
start to divide, grow and spread in an uncontolled manner. At first the growth
of the cancer occurs very slowly and is usually limited within the prostate
gland. Later on in the course of the illness, the prostate gland cells can
spread around the body, particulary to the bones where they can paues pain and
disability. Estimates show that the cancer may have been growing in some men for
up to 10 yearsbefore it causes symptoms and is diagnosed. Some men develop
symptoms whereas others do not. In those who that do, the following symptoms are
commonly found: Bathroom Troubles: Need to urinate frequently, especially at
night Sudden, incontrolable urges to urinate Weak or interrupted urine flow A
burning sensation or pain when urinating Blood in urine Continuing pain in lower
back, pelvis, or upper thighs Bedroom Troubles: Reduced sexual ability Painful
orgasm Impotence Discomfort during intercourse There appears to be several forms
of prostate cancer. Some men survive for many years with the disease and never
develop symptoms. These men may be oblivious to the fact that they have a slow
growing from prostate cancer and may eventually die of other causes. However,
other prostate cancers can be more aggressive and can grow quickly. Prevention
and Treatment More and more doctors are coming to believe that an enlarged
prostate can be treated or deterred by feeding the body the nutrients it lacks.
Dr. James Balch, specialist in urology, says: "The pain and discomfert of
most prostate disorders could be avoided with proper nutritional adjuncts. Even
those suffering from enlarged prostates respond very quickly to nutritional
therapies." One way to treat prostate cancer is to have surgery. Johnathon
Waxman, a cancer specialist from Hammersmith Hospital, in London, said, that 70%
of patients become impontent after surgery, and 40% become incontinent which
means that they cannot control their urination. Some other people that have
prostate cancer recommend the Swedish approach to treatment, which is
"watchful waiting." This approach, as the name would suggest, means
keeping a close eye on any signs of the disease progressing, but holding off on
extreme treatment, such as drugs, surgery, and chemotherapy.
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