Essay, Research Paper: College Paper On Health


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The autonomic nervous system is made up of two divisions. There are many
differences between these divisions. First of all there are anatomical and
physiological differences. The parasympathetic division of the autonomic system
origin is in the craniosacral outflow, the brain stem nuclei of cranial nerves
III, VII, IX, and X; and spinal cord segments S2-S4. The sympathetic division on
the other hand is much more complex than the parasympathetic and is originated
in the thoracolumbar outflow. Also, in the lateral horn of gray matter of the
spinal cord segments of thoracic 1 to lumbar 2. Another important physiological
difference is the location of ganglia in each division. Ganglia of the
parasympathetic division are in intramural or close to the visceral organ
served. The sympathetic ganglia are located with in a few centimeters of the
central nervous system. They are also alongside the vertebral column and
anterior to the vertebral column. The relative length of preganglionic and
postganglionic fibers in the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions is as
such. The parasympathetic have long preganglionic and short postganglionic. The
sympathetic are just the opposite, short preganglionic and long postganglionic.
There is no rami communication in the parasympathetic division, while the
sympathetic division has gray and white rami communication. The functional goal
of the parasympathetic division is maintenance functions, to conserve and store
energy. The sympathetic division’s goal is to provide the body to cope with
emergencies and intense muscular activity. There are many effects of the
parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions on various organs. The constricting of
muscles and eye pupils stimulates the iris of the eye by the parasympathetic
system. The sympathetic effects are the stimualtes of dilator muscles and dilate
the eye pupils. The parasympathetic effects of the cilliary muscle of the eye
are to stimulate muscles, which result in the bulging of the lens for
accommodation and close vision. There are no effects for the sympathetic
division. The nasal lacrimal, salivary, gastric, and pancreas glands are
effected by the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. The parasympathetic
division stimulates secretory activity, where the sympathetic division inhibits
secretory activity and causes vasoconstruction of blood vessels supplying the
glands. There is no parasympathetic effect on sweat galnds, the adrenal medulla,
or the arrector pili muscles. There are sympathetic effects though. The glands
are inhibited by secretory activity causing vasoconstruction of blood vessels
supplying the glands. The sweat glands are stimulated copious sweating. The
arrector pili muscles are stimulated to contract and produce goosebumps. The
parasympathetic division decreases the rate of the heart and slows it down. The
sympathetic division increases the rate and force of the heart. The bladder in
both divisions is opposite once again. In the parasympathetic of the bladder,
the contraction of smooth muscle and the relaxation in the sympathetic division.
The parasympathetic constricts for the bronchioles of the lungs, where the
bronchioles are dilated in the sympathetic. The liver’s sympathetic effect is
in epinephrine stimulus of the liver to release glucose to the blood. There is
no parasympathetic effect of the liver. In the parasympathetic division the
gallbladder contracts to expel bile. In the sympathetic division the gallbladder
is relaxed. The parasympathetic division causes the penis and vagina to
vasodilateor erect. The sympathetic division causes the penis to ejaculate and
the vagina to contract. There is little or no effect of the blood vessels in the
parasympathetic division. The sympathetic division constricts most vessels and
increases the blood pressure. It also constricts vessels of abdominal viscera
and skin to divert blood to muscles, brain, and heart when necessary. The
cellular metabolism of the sympathetic division is to increase coagulation.
Sympathetic effects; adipose tissue by lipolysis, and mental activity by
increasing one’s alertness. I found the assignment a little different then
most papers I have written do to one fact. I found that I could not put what the
book said into my own words. I don’t have a wide anatomical vocabulary, so I
found that I had to copy a lot of what the book said. I am sure this is similar
to some students in the class.

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