Essay, Research Paper: Crime And Property

Legal Issues

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"Crime is the violation of statutes enacted into criminal law by a
locality, state, or the federal government" (Macionis, 218). Crimes against
property include robbery of another's personal belongings. Property crimes
include burglary, larceny, and auto theft. Burglary consists of "the
unlawful entry of a structure to commit a [serious crime] or a theft" (Macionis,
220). Larceny is "the unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of
property from the possession of another" (Macionis, 220). Auto theft is
"the theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle" (Macionis, 220).
Since the beginning of time there has been crime and theft. In primitive
civilizations theft could have included stealing essentials for life (food,
water, shelter), women, weapons, etc. In more recent times theft has come to
include all material possessions a person has. Only naming several which are
money, jewelry, pets, automobiles, etc. For as long as people have legitimately
owned or made a legal claim to objects there has been theft. Most criminals
steal in order to support expensive habits in which excessive amounts of money
are crucial. Poverty is also another significant influence of crime and theft.
As well as a lack in morals and values contributes to crime and robbery. Another
influence of crime and robbery is that certain crimes are committed to
experience a thrill, adrenaline rush or whatever it may be called. No matter
what the motive may be, crime and robbery are very frequent and rates are
increasing. There is a direct and close correlation of poverty and crime. As the
years have passed people have become more and more socially stratified. Thus,
creating a feeling of inferiority among the poor and less fortunate. With this
feeling people are more inclined to commit crimes, mainly in the form of
robbery. The action of theft is a quick and effective way of gaining what is
desired or what will theoretically make the feeling of inferiority go away. For
example as studied by Robert Park and Ernest Burgess in Chicago, the "zone
of transition" (ghetto) promotes and advocates criminal behavior and
deviance. Through this case study it concluded that crime rates are consistently
high in these areas in cities. Also, no matter what groups and different
nationalities inhibited the area, there is no relation to the rates.
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