Essay, Research Paper: Great Expectations

Literature: Great Expectations

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In this Five Paragraph Essay, I am going to tell you about three people that had
a very firm hold of Pip's future. The first of these characters is Joe, the
kind-hearted young man, who loved Pip very much. Second, is Estella, who is the
attractive, cold-hearted young lady whom makes Pip love her all his life. Last,
is Miss Havisham, who is the lady whom raises Estella, and makes her hurt all
men, and break their hearts. These three people have a lot to do with Pip's
destination, as you will now see. Joe always stood up for Pip. He married Pip's
sister, Mrs. Joe, only because he wanted to have Pip with him. Joe withstood all
of Mrs. Joe's meanness just to be with Pip, even though Pip does not show love
towards Joe. Joe is not very intelligent, but he is a strong man. He takes
satisfaction in being a blacksmith, and he has pride in himself. He believes in
integrity, and he always treats people politely. An example of how Joe treats
people, i s at the beginning of the story, when Pip's criminal is apprehended.
When the criminal says that he is sorry for eatin g the pie, Joe says, "God
knows you're welcome to it-so far as it was ever mine!"(Pg. 573) Joe helps
Pip with anything, he is always with Pip when needed. Joe is one of the
characters in this story, that Pip will always recollect. Estella is lady who is
ashamed of her background and the life that she is living. She has been
instructed, by Miss Havisham, to hurt all of the male race. Estella says that
her heart is cold. She is infatuated by beauty, and is loyal for a time to Miss
Havisham. When she wants something, she usually gets it. She uses Pip, to get
other men. She also, uses other men. Here is an example of what she thinks of
the other men hovering around her, "Moths and all sorts of ugly creatures
hover about a lighted candle. Can the candle help it?".(Pg. 665) She
marries Pip's rival, Mr. Drummle, who she is beaten by, and lives a hard life.
When Estella and Pip meet again, it is at the "Satis" House. Estella,
has learned how to love, and what it feels like to be hurt. Estella, is the
character in this story, that made Pip want to become a gentleman Miss Havisham
despises all men. She had Pip come to her house and play cards with Estella,
when he was young. She also, made Estella hurt Pip. An example of how she hurts
Pip, and makes him ashamed of himself is when she says, "He calls them
knaves jacks, this boy! And what coarse hands he has! And what thick
boots!".(Pg. 581) She took Estella's heart, and made her have no feelings
at all. Pip continues his visits, until he is apprenticed to Joe. Miss Havisham
persuades Pip to tell her what he thinks of Estella, and then taunts him. Her
view of love is "Blind devotion, unquestioning self-humiliation, utter
submission, trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world,
giving your whole heart and soul to the smiter, like she did". She tells
Pip to love Estella. She makes Estella physically attract Pip. Miss Havisham
pushes Estella to the limit, and ends up hurting Estella, and herself as well.
Mis s Havisham, is the one person, in the story that can honestly be called evil
In conclusion to this essay, you can see why these characters, emotionally,
mentally and physically, controlled Pip's life.

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