Essay, Research Paper: Lord Of Flies

Literature: Lord of The Flies

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The Truth Within Lord of the Flies, is the story of a group of boys of different
backgrounds who are stranded on an unknown island when their plane crashes. As
the boys try to formulate a plan to get rescued, they begin to separate, and a
band of savage tribal hunters are formed. Eventually the boys almost entirely
shake off the civilization of the world they once knew. When all the confusion
of behaviour leads them to a manhunt the reader realizes the sudden decay of law
and order and loss of civilization when adults aren`t among them. Which also
brings out the underlying savage side existent in all humans. In Lord of the
Flies, there were numerous themes that were portrayed throughout the novel. The
Need for Civilisation, is the most obvious theme. Our beliefs were always lead
to believe that man is innocent and that our society is evil. But what the
statement is hiding from our peers is that without laws, rules, and order, our
world would revert to a more primitive part of his nature. Which of course is a
more darker and cruel place to live our lives. "¨There aren`t any
grown-ups. We shall have to look after ourselves.¨"1 The Innocence and the
Loss of It is the existence of civilization that allows man to remain in
captivity with his innocence or ignorance about his true nature. Although man
needs civilization, it is also important that he be aware of his primal
instincts. As William Golding the author of Lord of the Flies stated, "This
loss of innocence by coming to terms with reality is necessary if humanity is to
survive" Which is, to reach true maturity you must first realizes the
reality of our world today, as it is not the same as it was many years ago.
"¨I`m not going to be part of Ralph`s lot----¨ He looked along the
right-hand logs, numbering the hunters that had been a choir. ¨I`m going off by
myself. He can catch his own pigs. Anyone who wants to hunt when I do can come
too.¨ He blundered out of the triangle towards the drop to the white
sand."2 The Loss of Identity is the most common one among us as we are
faced with different surroundings and environnement We are taught are taught to
make choices our whole lives and when we come the situation to make them on our
own we freeze not knowing what to do, therefore they follow the lead of the next
and in the case of Lord of the Flies they drive each other wild until the only
way out is to kill. "¨They smell me. They see me, I think. Something pink,
under the trees.¨ He made one cheek and one eye-socket white, then rubbed red
all over the other half of his face and slashed a black bar of charcoal across
from right ear to left jaw. He looked in the mere for his reflection, but his
breathing troubled in the mirror."3 Power is used centrally to focus in on
their leadership and loyalty. There is a kind of power used by every character
which allows the reader to establish a well- balanced scale to which upon they
meet with their expectation and judge against the civilization today. You see
that democratic power is shown when the boys are faced with their own choices
and decisions, and than they are faced with the power to be a leader or a
follower and deal with the discrimination forced upon them by those who fear
rejection. They have an inner strength that pushes them to blend with the others
to make the matters clear of danger. "¨This`ll be a real hunt! Who`ll
come?¨ Ralph moved impatiently. ¨These spears are made of wood. Don`t be
silly.¨ Jack sneered at him. ¨Frightened?¨ Course I`m frightened. Who
wouldn`t be?¨"5 " ¨ I`m chief. We`ve got to make certain. Can`t you
see the mountain? There`s no signal showing. There may be a ship out there. Are
you all off your rockers?¨ "6 Fear of the Unknown evolves around the boys
making attempts to catch the beast. As the story unravels the reader realizes
that put in a position to capture a beast you are struck with a certain flash of
light that gives you these negative effects on the nature of evil. The power of
fear in Lord of the Flies is hidden deep within in some characters but in others
it is portrayed as their characteristic. Fear is a deep meaning and we can
always relate to it no matter our situation. "¨Last night I had a dream, a
horrid dream, fighting with things. I was outside the shelter by myself,
fighting with things, those twisty things in the trees.¨ He paused, and the
other littleluns laughed in horrified sympathy. ¨Then I was frightened and I
woke up. And I was outside the shelter by myself in the dark and the twisty
things had gone away.¨ "7 Instinct to be a Follower, if you believe that
another person is superior to you and or the others you have this instant
reaction to stay quiet and follow the one person who isn`t afraid to speak and
has this strength deep within. As most LEADERS would react they think the world
owes them something, but as a matter of fact they owe the world something else,
respect, loyalty and strength. to guide the others into making a good choice and
to see the better side of life. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph the leader indeed
tried to portray such this thing. But Jack, the would-be leader lours them away
by side tracking them with a feast of meat. The children who are starving for
some real meat follow but to their dismay loose almost all civilization because
of the savageness they have within. This shows that you might follow someone who
has the ability to believe to be superior and forget the civilized world behind
for they do not want to be an outcast and fear rejection in an unknown place.
" ¨Who is going to join my tribe?¨ Ralph made a sudden movement that
became a stumble. Some of the boys turned towards him. ¨I gave you food,¨said
Jack, ¨and my hunters will protect you from the beast. Who will join my tribe?¨¨"8
" ¨Who`ll join my tribe?¨ ¨I will¨ ¨Me¨ ¨I will¨ 9 Piggy touched
Ralphs wrist. ¨Come away. There`s going to be trouble. And we`ve had our meat.¨
"10 Lord of the Flies concludes by them being rescued by a Naval Officer,
the novel was an experience in it`s own, you`d be surprised of what you learn by
reading. The novel was a story that was meant to be read in between the lines,
it demonstrates the effect civilization has on us and our evil within. I hope
you enjoyed it as well as I have.

Lord of The Flies, William Golding. Faber School Editions, 1962 WWW.

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