Essay, Research Paper: Beowulf


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The Anglo-Saxon Hero as defined by the Battles of Beowulf Within the tale of
“Beowulf” four character traits can be found which define the Anglo Saxon
Hero. The first is loyalty, as demonstrated by the relationship between Lord and
thane. According to page 23 of the “Beowulf” introduction, “a relationship
based less on subordination of one man’s will to another than on mutual trust
and respect.” The second and third characteristics are strength and courage.
The importance of these specific traits to the Anglo-Saxon people is clearly
presented during the reciting of Sigemund’s tale within Heorot. As the song
states, “He was adventurer most famous, far and wide through the nations, for
deed of courage – he had prospered from that before, the protector of warriors
– after the war-making of Heremod had come to an end, his strength and his
courage” (38). The final piece which comprises the Anglo-Saxon hero is the
notion of fame. The only after life a warrior could ever aspire to have was
immortality through fame. One again this is explained by the introduction to the
story, “Beowulf’s chief reward is pagan immortality the memory in the minds
of later generations of a hero’s heroic actions” (24-25). By understanding
what defines a hero it is a simple matter to comprehend why Beowulf is
considered by some to be the greatest of all. He posses unfaltering loyalty to
his king and allies, and save for his final battle his thanes show the same
devotion to him. His strength is unparalleled, as he is able to defeat each of
his opponents and perform feats of unmatched endurance. Beowulf’s courage,
though motivated primarily by his own notion of fate, is, none the less,
unwavering. And as a hero he achieved his desire for immortality through the
poem itself. Each of the four heroic traits can be identified within the three
battles in which Beowulf participates: His battle with Grendel, his undersea
struggle with the Grendel’s Mother, and his final fight with the dragon.
Before going off to do battle with Grendel, Beowulf gives a speech that may
appear conceited to the modern reader, but is in actuality a simple device used
to insure his immortality through fame. Beowulf states, “I claim myself no
poorer in war strength, war works, than Grendel claims himself. Therefor I will
not put him to sleep with a sword… and then may wise God, Holy Lord, assign
glory on whichever hand seems good to him” (35-36). Now whether he wins or
looses the fight Beowulf will always be remembered as the courageous warrior who
battled the beast without the aid of a weapon. This passage also shows
Beowulf’s unconquerable courage. It is important to note, however, that this
courage does not come from A strong mind, but rather from an unquestioning
belief in fate, which in turn, is completely at God’s command. His courage,
therefor, comes entirely from his belief that he has done good in the eyes of
the lord. Armed only with his strong belief in the goodness of the Lord Beowulf
attacks the evil Grendel (“enemy of god” according to page 37) and displays
his awesome strength. When Beowulf first grasps the arm of his opponent he is
described as “he who of men was strongest of might in the days of his
life" (37). He then proceeds to rip Grendel’s arm from his body while
“more than enough of Beowulf’s earls drew swords, old heirlooms, wished to
protect the life of their dear lord, famous prince however they might” (37) (a
perfect example of the importance of loyalty in the lord-thane relationship). In
his second battle Beowulf again epitomizes the Anglo-Saxon hero by again
exhibiting the aforementioned traits. After Grendel’s Mother swarms the castle
in retribution for the murder of her son (choosing to wage war instead of
accepting wergild) Beowulf is determined to do away with the descendent of Cain.
“He was resolute, not slow of courage, mindful of fame” (47). He is
exceptionally strong since, in order to reach the dwelling of Grendel’s
mother, he must swim for almost a day to reach the bottom of a lake. This is of
course no great ordeal for a man who can swim for seven days with his comrade
Breca and battle a horde of sea monsters all while wearing chain armor. During
the battle Beowulf’s men remain loyal to their leader and stay by the side of
the lake even after the Sycldings left the hill. They wait for hours even though
they believe their lord to be dead. And when Beowulf does finally resurface he
has not only killed Grendel’s mother, but has come back with Grendel’s head,
as well. Beowulf’s ultimate battle occurs over fifty years after his battle
with Grendel’s Mother. Beowulf is now ruler over the kingdom of the Geats. He
is forced to protect his Kingdom from a fearsome dragon after a servant angers
the creature by stealing an ornamented cup. Before engaging in the battle
Beoqulf remains confident of victory by recounting his past exploits (again
certifying a position of fame). Although he is armed for the battle he wishes
that he could “grapple with the monster, as [he] did of old with Grendel”
(59). Beowulf remains as just courageous and as ravenous for fame in his elder
years as he does in his youth. Like the previous battles Beowulf again behaves
like the Hero, with one striking difference. This is the one battle in the poem
where Beowulf looses the loyalty of his men. As the battle between Beowulf and
the dragon becomes increasingly violent all the thanes flee. The only exception
is Wiglaf, son of Weohstan, who quickly jumps into battle to aid his lord.
Before doing so, however, he scolds his fellow thanes for forsaking their
leader, explaining that it is better to fall in a fight. As Wiglaf himself
states,“God knows of me that I should rather that the flame enfold my body
with my gold giver” (61). Here it is Wiglaf who possesses the heroic traits.
He is loyal to his lord, he is courageous and has desire for fame, all that he
lacks is great strength. During the battle the dragon is vanquished, but Beowulf
suffers mortal wounds. Having no heirs he passes his kingdom on to Wiglaf, who
Beowulf describes as the last of the race of Waegmundings. Although Beowulf
dies, he does achieve the goal of the hero – to be imortalized. A shrine is
constructed to honor the legendary hero – and so Beowulf’s fame continues to
live on. Wiglaf, howver, although the new Ruler is destined for hardships since
he lacks the sheer strength which would make him a true hero. Strength, courage,
loyalty, and fame. If these truly are the defining factors in each great hero,
how then are the heroes different from the villains. Doesn’t Grendels mother
have all of the same qualities. She was strong courageous, loyal to her son, and
though she dies, famous through her battle with Beowulf. In the end the
Anglo-Saxon hero is not merely defined by his traits, but by his appearance
through the eyes of his God (or at least how the people perceive God’s
vision). The lord sees Beowulf as good, therefor he is a hero. The grendel
family, as well as the dragon are seen as abominations by lord, so they are
evil. Hero’s are therefor nothing more than good looking villains who posses
social graces. And yet they still inspire us to be good. And so Beowuld remains
a hero – and an immortal.
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