Essay, Research Paper: Julius Caesar

Shakespeare: Julius Caesar

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Life of Julius Caesar was a strong leader for the Romans who changed the course
of the history of the Greek - Roman world decisively and irreversibly. With his
courage and strength he created a strong empire. What happened during his early
political career? How did he become such a strong dictator of the Roman Empire?
What events led up to the making of the first triumvirate? How did he rise over
the other two in the triumvirate and why did he choose to take over? What
happened during his reign as dictator of Rome? What events led up to the
assassination of Caesar? What happened after he was killed? Caesar was a major
part of the Roman Empire because of his strength and his strong war strategies.
Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman whose dictatorship was pivotal
in Rome’s transition from republic to empire. When he was young Caesar lived
through one of the most horrifying decades in the history of the city of Rome.
The city was assaulted twice and captured by Roman armies, first in 87 BC by the
leaders of the Populares, his Uncle Marius and Cinna. Cinna was killed the year
that Caesar had married Cinna’s daughter Cornelia. The second attack upon the
city was carried our by Marius’ enemy Sulla, leader of the Optimates, in 82 BC
on the latter’s return from the East. On each occasion the massacre of
political opponents was followed by the confiscation of their property. The
proscriptions of Sulla, which preceded the reactionary political legislation
enacted during his dictatorship left a particularly bitter memory that long
survived. Caesar left Rome for the province of Asia on the condition that he
divorce his wife because Sulla would only allow him to leave on that condition.
When he heard the news that Sulla had been killed he returned to Rome. He
studied rhetoric under the distinguished teacher Molon. In the winter of 75-74
BC Caesar was captured by pirated and, while in their custody awaiting the
arrival of the ransom money which they demanded, threatened them with
crucifixion, a threat which he fulfilled immediately after his release. He then
returned to Rome to engage in a normal political career, starting with the
quaetorship which he served in 69-68 BC in the province of Further Spain. In the
Roman political world of the sixties the dominance of the optimates was
challenged by Pompey and Crassus. The optimates, led by Quintus Lutatius Catulus
and Lucius Licinius Lucullus, were chiefly men whose careers had been made by
Sulla. Pompey and Crassus were consuls in 70 BC and had rescinded the most
offensively reactionary measures of Sulla’s legislation. During Pompey’s
absence from 67 to 62 BC during his campaigns against the Mediterranean pirates,
Mithridates, and Crassus, his jealous rival. Caesar married Ponpeia after
Cornelia’s death and was appointed aedile in 65 BC As audile, Caesar returned
to Marius’ trophies to their former place of honor in the Capitol, thus laying
claim to leadership of the populares. When Caesar was a praetor, he supported a
tribune who wanted Pompey recalled to restore order in Rome. As a result, Caesar
was suspended from office for a period and antagonized Catulus. Before leaving
Rome to govern Further Spain for a year, Caesar divorced his wife Pompeia
because of the allegation that she had been implicated in the offense of Publius
Clods. The latter was then awaiting trial for breaking into Caesar’s house the
previous December disguised as a woman at the festival of the Bona Dea, which no
man is allowed to attend. After his return from a successful year administrating
Spain Caesar was elected consul for 59 BC through political alliance with Pompey
and Crassus. This alliance was called the first triumvirate. Caesar’s purpose
was to gain a big military command. Pompey for his part sought the ratification
of his eastern settlement and land allotments for his discharged troops. Crassus
sought a revision of the contract for collecting taxes in the province of Asia.
An agrarian bill authorizing the purchase of land for Pompey’s veterans was
passed in January of 59BC at a disorderly public assembly which Caesar’s
fellow consul Calpurnius Bibulus, was thrown from the platform and his
consularinsignia were broken. Bibulus tried to stop Caesar and his supporters
from passing any further law but was only able to postpone the creation of the
new laws by saying that the skies would not permit it because there was stormy
weather and they were very superstitious. Caesar disregarded Bibulus’ behavior
and the remainder of the legislative program of the triumvirate was carried
through. As a result of this action Caesar and his friends incurred bitter
attacks. Their political opponents continued to claim that the whole of the
legislation was unconstitutional and invalid. Caesar had secured for five years
the governorship of three provinces. The provinces were Cisalpine Gaul,
Transalpine Gaul, and Illyricum. He left Rome and remained in Gaul until his
invasion of Italy. He continued north of the Alps each summer and he would leave
his armies there in garrison each winter while he came south to conduct the
civil administration of Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum and to keep in contact with
Rome. Caesar became determined to conquer and make a province of the whole of
Gaul. After his defeat of the Belgian tribes in the north and the submission of
the maritime tribes on the Atlantic seaboard, he believed that the task had all
but been accomplished. Caesar decided to make two short reconnaissance
expeditions, one across the Rhine and the other across the Straits of Dover to
Britain. In a longer and more serious invasion of Britain he crossed the Thames
and received the submission of the supreme commander of the southeastern
Britons, Cassivellaunus. Caesar had avoided recall to Rome at the end of the
five years of command voted to him by coming to a fresh agreement with Pompey
and Crassus at Luca. The optimates in control of the senate, now awake to the
immense increase in Caesar’s personal power, wealth, and prestige, kept Pompey
in Italy, allowing him to govern his Spanish provinces by deputies. Pompey’s
own attachment to Caesar was broken when Caesar’s daughter Julia to whom
Pompey had been happily married since 59 BC died in 54 BC Crassus was killed by
the Parathions at Carrhae in Mesopotamia. In planning Caesar’s return to civil
life in Rome he could assume that as soon as he lost the immunity from
prosecution which his military command conferred, his political enemies would
endeavor to secure his exile by prosecuting him in the courts either for bribery
or for the use of force in politics. In Rome there was support in the senate for
a negotiated compromise when Curio put forth the proposal by which Caesar would
give up his military command and stand in person at the consular election on
condition that Pompey abandon his military command at the same time. On January
7, 49 BC Antony and one of his fellow tribunes were warned that their lives
would be in danger if they sustained their veto and the proclamation of military
law was passed. Caesar was told to leave his troops behind and cross the Rubicon
into Rome alone. Caesar knew that this was a death sentence for him so he did
not leave his troops but marched into the city and caused a civil war. He
defeated Pompey’s troops in many battles and became the dictator of Rome. From
the time that he had first faced battle in Gaul and discovered his own military
genius, Caesar was evidently fascinated and obsessed by military and imperial
problems. He gave them an absolute priority over the more delicate by no less
fundamental task of revising the Roman constitution. The need in the latter
sphere was a solution, which would introduce such elements of authoritarianism
as were necessary to check corruption and administrative weakness. Caesar’s
first dictatorship was simply a commission to enable him to hold elections in
the absence of the consuls of the year who were with Pompey, but after the news
of Pharsalus, Caesar was created dictator again; after Tarsus he was made
dictator for ten years and in the winter of 45 BC he was appointed perpetual
dictator. When Caesar was out of Italy after 49 BC real power lay in the hands
of his representatives. When he was dictator the most important of these
representatives was his “master of the horse”. This representative was Mark
Antony. Much resentment was felt by prominent senators like Cicerone account of
the great power and influence of such against of Caesar. Caesar’s military
dominance was established beyond the possibility of successful challenge, the
senate gave him a profusion of personal honors which were out of keeping with
Roman tradition, reflecting as they did the extravagant distinctions accorded
earlier to the Hellenistic kings. The month of July was named after Caesar and
his statue was placed in the temple of Querns. Caesar was considered to be a
dictator for life. According to the traditional Republican constitution this
office was only to be held for six months during a dire emergency. Caesar also
obtained honors to increase his prestige. He wore the robe, crown, and scepter
of a triumphant general and used the title importer. He was also in command of
the armies. Caesar used his dictatorship and used it to increase his power. With
all of his powers he was pretty much the king of Rome. Mark Antony was his major
supporter and he helped convince the others to allow Caesar to have these
abilities, but it led to some problems. A group of conspirators had been formed
against Caesar because they felt that he had too much power and that if he
became the king of Rome he would become corrupt and use his powers to create a
bad society. The senate resented his actual position that was shown in the
sixty-member conspiracy, which Marcus Brutus had organized to kill him. On the
Ides of March, two days before he was due to leave Rome on his great eastern
expedition, he was stabbed to death at a meeting of the senate in Pompey’s new
theater. He fell dead at the foot of Pompey’s statue. Pompey was avenged, as
well as Bibulus and Cato. After a provocative funeral oration by Mark Antony,
Caesar’s body was burned by the mob in the forum. When at the games in his
honor the following July a comet appeared and it was regarded as evidence of his
godhead and he was formally consecrated and “Divus Julius,” or divine
Julius. Octavius, whose name became Caesar Octavius after his adoption by
Caesar’s will, solved, by his creation of the Roman principate, the
constitutional problem that Caesar failed to solve. Caesar had started as a
consul and had formed the first triumvirate with Crassus and Pompey. They had
taken over the Roman civilization and had controlled for a while. When Crassus
was killed and agreement was made. Pompey and Caesar were supposed to give up
their military and enter the city of Rome to find a real ruler. Pompey was in on
the dead land he was supposed to take over. Caesar knew that if he entered the
city of Rome without his troops Pompey would kill him and so he crossed the
Rubicon with his troops and attacked Rome. He took over as a dictator for life
and gained a lot of power. He was able to run a strong military and even though
he was considered only a dictator he wrote laws that actually made him have the
same powers as a king. The conspirators saw the problem that had a risen and so
they planned the murder of Caesar on the Ides of March. Caesar was killed and
there was another triumvirate formed. Caesar was a strong military leader that
had showed strength and courage to take over the town and he was able to form a
civilization that was strong militarily and politically.
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