Essay, Research Paper: Rappelling


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Rappelling is an instance that has greatly affected my life. Rappelling is the
method of descending a shear face of cliff by means of a double rope passed
under the thigh and over the opposite shoulder. I was about to go on a great
rappelling trip with six of my closest friends. The group had decided that it
would be best to stay at a park near the cliffs. Staying near the cliffs meant
that we would be able to rappel for a longer time. The trip was not the first of
any of my friends. We had each been to the cliffs multiple times and felt very
comfortable. Once we arrived at the park, there was a five-mile hike to the
cliffs. We gathered our gear one piece at a time and began to prepare ourselves
for the short hike. Fifteen minutes after arriving, we were off to the cliffs.
Soon after we left the parking lot, we encountered a few other hikers. They were
there also going to the cliffs to spend the day rappelling. After one hour of
hiking in and out of valleys, we finally made it to the cliffs. As soon as we
got there, my friends began to tie all of the gear up and secure it for a safe
day of rappelling. As the most senior of all my friends, I went behind them to
ensure all of the gear was setup correctly. Meanwhile, my friends were taking a
break. During their break, they saw the other group as they came out of the
dense tree line to the opening of the cliff. My friends then watched them tie
all of their gear up and came back with a weird report. They said that they did
not think that the other group knew what they were doing. I replied with a smart
answer and went along securing our ropes. After a few hours of great rappelling,
my friends and I suddenly heard this nearby gut wrenched scream; it sounded like
a haunted house for a minute. First, I began to look around. I could not figure
out where the scream had come from. I then thought to myself, it had to be the
other group. Secondly, I spotted a couple yelling for help so I took off in
their direction. Halfway there I realized that it was the other group.
Evidently, one of their friends had slipped and fallen off the edge of the cliff
and he had been hurt badly. Once I saw what had happened I sent the fastest
runner to the road to get help while I had someone else help me. After the
runner had started, I gathered the two groups to act as one. We had to get to
the base of the cliff safely and keep the injured person alive. Those were my
thoughts and I am sure that is what the rest were thinking. I was the first to
the bottom and I then began to do a basic assessment. I stabilized the injured
and instructed the rest of the group how to assist me. The rescue helicopter at
last showed up. It felt like it was forever but it was only 2 hours. The
paramedics then took over and congratulated me on my efforts. They told me I did
a great job, they said normally if someone falls of the cliffs they do not live.
Their words sent chills up my spine and I knew I did a good job. I was able to
save a perfect strangers life just because I had been in the area. Finally, both
groups began to pack out solemnly and began the long hike back to the parking
lot. I felt this hike was great. The hike allowed all of my friends and me to
calm down. We began talking about what would have happened if we were not there.
I quickly stopped that talk and answered we should not think about what would
have happened but what has happened. We had just saved some strangers life. That
thought alone put a hush over my friends. I learned rappelling could be a number
of things. It could mean loosing a close friend, having a poor self-esteem or
just hanging from a cliff. Therefore, rappelling has taught me many different
things. The main thing that rappelling has taught me though is if I put my mind
to it I am able to do anything!
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