Essay, Research Paper: Internet In Business World


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The history of the Internet traces its roots to the United States government.
The original use of the information system was to maintain communication during
the cold war, with the Soviet Union in 1969, by the Department of Defense,
incase of a nuclear attack or a major catastrophe. The National Science
foundation created the Internet based on the ARPAnet. The first mass connection
was between the University of California Santa Barbara, Stanford Research
Institute, the University of Utah and the University of California Los
Angeles.Ray Tomlinson develops E-mail in 1972.The ARPAnet became obsolete in
1982, but the basis for the program is still used at the present time. The Web
began in 1989;it wasn’t released to the world till the early 90’s that’s
when it became the World Wide Web. In 1993 Marc Andressen created software for
the Internet to publish text, images and sound. Andressen also introduced the
first graphical Web browser, called Mosaic, still in use today. The United
States runs most of the access to the Internet with 62% of all the routers, next
closest is the United Kingdom with 5.2%. That is just an example of what America
controls much on the Internet. 70% of the writing on the Internet is in English,
next is Japanese. Statistics say 1 in 3 people use the Internet for E- Mail, 1
in 6 use it because they want to find out how it works, 1 in 8 want business
information and 1 in 2 go to the Internet for education, hobbies, job listings,
and entertainment. In 1993 less than 1% of users paid for use of the Internet.
By 1995, it rose to over 200% due to the profits companies made from the
providing this service. This became a common change that businesses have made
since the beginning of the information highway. It was then clear that the
Internet wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. This stared a trend, which is
still being felt today and into the near future. Because of the demand for the
Internet around the World, and the amount of capital a business could make that
provides this service, is astounding, a good example of this is Cisco, a once
Silicon Valley based business, which is now a Internet technology provider,
reaped in $10 billion in 1986 without an IPO (initial public offering), and this
is 14 years before the Internet became what it is today. In 1999 they became the
third company in history to surpass $300 billion in market capitalization,
second is Microsoft, and first is General Electric. Out of 150 million people
who have access to the Internet 80 million of them are looking for opportunities
to make a profit on the Internet. The entrepreneurs, small business owners, and
large corporations are changing the Internet. Some of the information that use
to be free is now being held for a price to subscribe to a companies web site.
This is mainly because of the money involved in the E-commerce businesses and
the amount of information acquired everyday in the use of the Internet, whether
it’s a question about a service or a complaint about a product. Internet based
businesses have went from poor to rich overnight, this is the reason most people
are in search of the goldmine of answers and money the Internet provides to the
public through business on the Internet. Internet based businesses have went
from poor to rich overnight and have a market full of consumers that are
financially stable and are in demand of services and information from the
Internet, this is the reason most businesses are in search of the goldmine the
Internet provides. I.The three main reasons for people using the Internet. A.
Communication 1.lower long distance charges than the telephone
being developed to make long distance phone calls free 3.E-mail 4.less expensive
than postage stamps and paper less time consuming 6.availbe 24 hours a day
7 days a week 7.unlimited boundaries B. Business 1.80 million out of 150 million
are on Internet for business opportunities 2. No geographic boundaries 3.access
to more consumers 4.150 businesses join the Internet every day 5. Open 24 hours
a day 6. Less labor force needed to answer question 24 hours a day 8.a
bigger and cheaper way to advertise C. Education 1.more than 51% of
instructional rooms had Internet access in 1998. 2.Classes and Seminars over
Internet can be taken 3.virtualy all schools in the US are connected to the
Internet and hookups in classrooms have increased 20 fold-since 1994
4.convienience, now people can learn at home 5.Internet based training has
become a common business tool used to obtain advancements in job level.
updates on material learned available daily 7.tutoring over the Internet is
available II. Why Business makes up a major part of the Internet A. Entrepreneur
1.a independently owned business can start up with under $1500. 2.small labor
needed if any. need for warehouse the, Internet provides a business were
you can sell their products from your home or office. 4.advertising cost are
lower because of E-mail and Internet business Web page communities. B. Small
businesses 1. 40% of small businesses have their own web site. 2. small
businesses owned by women are more likely to have access to the Internet than
males that’s 67% vs. 63%. 3.minority owned business buy goods and services
from the Internet more than other at 53% vs. 37%. 4.more than 600,000 small
businesses were selling their products and service via e-commerce sites in 1999
with valued transactions at $25 billion. 5.of 7.5 million small businesses 11%
were engaged in e-commerce activity. 6.71% used E-mail in 1999. 7.58% conduct
business research on the Internet. C.Corporations 1.B2C (Business to consumer)
sales just over the Internet will grow from an estimated $25 billion in 1999 to
over $152 billion by 2002. 2.In Internet advertising, opposite of television
advertising, the top 10 Internet corporations spent only $367 million which is
on an average $36.7 million a piece which is fairly low to advertise your
corporation to the world everyday in a month. 3.The nations largest ISP
(Internet service provider) reaches nearly 50.3 million consumers. 4. Categories
leading online spending were consumer-related (31 percent), financial services
(17 percent), computing (16 percent), new media (12 percent) and business
services (7 percent). III. Why business are doing so well on the Internet A.
Buyer Demographics 1.two thirds of those who shop the Internet at least three
times a week are women, 32% of these women have incomes of over $75,000 a year .
2.the biggest gap in Internet shoppers exist between the rich and poor not
between ethnic groups. 3. 70% attend college, and 65% have white-collar jobs.
4.users that have been on the Internet 3 years or longer are reported to spend
an average of $266, compared to newcomers with an average of purchase of $109
every three months. 5.teens spent $161 million online in 1999, that’s only 1%
of the total US online spending. Estimated to go over $1.4 billion by 2002.
6.Internet users increase by 10% every day. IV. Conclusion Business on the
Internet has no signs of disappearing or getting smaller. With over 150
businesses joining daily, plus research has also been done and its is estimated
that by the year 2004, if not sooner, there will be 90 million consumers on the
Internet. With the technology advancing, to where you can access the Internet
from a cellular phone, your car, even your TV, plus MP3 which downloads music
from the Internet and can hold over 1000 songs, the Internet is becoming a way
of life for some people and for businesses a very profitable outlook in the
future. The Internet has changed a number of areas in society, especially the
business world, in the past 20 years. In the last 40 years the Internet has went
from a method of defense communication for the government, to a business venture
for an entrepreneur or a fortune 500-company .The Internet is away for gaining
consumers, products and capital for a business.Bibliography1.Bunnell, David. Making The Cisco Connection, The Story Behind The Real
Internet Super Power. New York. John Wiley & Son Inc. New York. 2000.
2.Christopher, Harper. And That’s the Way It Will Be. New York. NY University
New York.1998. 3.Cyber Atlas. Internet. Com Corp. 1998-2000. 15 July. http://cyberatlas. markets/education/ 4. Government and Education Log On. PC Magazine
27 June 2000: 12. 5. How does the Web work. CNET Networks. 1995-2000. 6 July.
http://coverage. cnet. com/Content/ Features/ Techno/ Networks/ ss04.html
6.Juliussen, Egil. Internet Industry Almanac. Nevada. Computer Industry Almanac
Inc.1998. 7. Project Xanadu. Project Xanadau History. 1999. 9 Feb. http://www.
Xanadu. net/ com. 8.Vablais, Cerise, and, Tony Leiniger. How the Web Was
Won.Redmond Wash: Microsoft, 1998. 9. What is the Web. CNET Networks. 1995-2000.
6 July. http://coverage. cnet. com/Content/ Features/ Techno/
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