Essay, Research Paper: Brotherly Love


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The snow fell from the night sky like millions of little white stars that lost
their hold on the firmament. Little Sammy always one to love the snow ignored it
for the moment, showing uncharacteristic concern for his brother. "What's
the matter Todd? You've been acting strange all day. I know something's on your
mind or you wouldn't have that look on your face. You always look that way when
something's wrong". "Oh, it's nothing important little brother, just
problems with Sandra again last night. The date went fine and I actually liked
the flick this time but later in the back seat I shot jungle juice everywhere
before we could even get started. If this had been the first time I wouldn't be
so angry but dammit," he accented his curse by punching his thigh,
"it's been four times now". Sammy's brow creased for a moment in
thought and then his eyes lit up. Being a bit too quick of a thinker, Sammy
often stated the obvious and did so now. "Remember that scare you had when
you were slamming saddles every night with Judith? She had to go out and buy a
pregnancy test. Obviously you weren't having much trouble with her; I think it
must have something to do with Sandra herself". Todd could almost see the
light Sammy was basking in from the bulb above his head and offered the tyke a
warm smile. Sammy was only twelve years old but sometimes he dissapointed Todd
with his slow wits. He liked to encourage the boy though and did not mention
that he had already come to this conclusion quite some time ago. Even Albert
Einstein had trouble in his youth and he could see that Sammy had that kind of
potential. In fact he was lucky his brother could think at all. Some kids were
born retarded you know. "That's probably right kid but I just don't know
what it could be about her that makes me miss the boat and jizz every time. I
mean I got my lovebone all poised to slip inside that perfect pie and I just
blow it. . . literally. She's getting fed up and I bet her fingers have been
working overtime lately seeing as I'm not holding up my end of the deal,"
Todd paused a moment and looked Sammy in the eye, "Have you ever bumped
uglies? I know your only twelve but I've seen how young they start on Montel and
Ricky Lake". Sammy's face went a deep shade of red, "Well, I did the
three finger tango with Beth after the Halloween Dance last month but I've never
navigated nookie", he looked away quickly and began to unconciously tap his
toes. The boy was obviously embarrassed. Todd wondered whether his uncomfort
stemmed from the fact that they were talking about Sammy wetting his carrot or
the fact that he hadn't done it at all. This made him feel proud and nostalgic
at the same time. "Well," Todd began, "first of all you know how
it is then when you first smell that luscious *censored*. That wet sweet aroma.
Douched every other day, lavished with creams and powders only fouled up once a
month by unholy seepages. But God didn't make Eve equipped with a bottle of
Stay-Fresh. No, it's good no matter what. . . "What's Stay-Fresh"?
"It's douche, brainiac. That stuff Mom keeps next to her *censored* diapers
under the sink. Now, don't interrupt! I was saying that that smell is enough to
send your John Thomas ripping right through the denim of your jeans; and that's
just the beginning. Long ago I stopped working my digits in Sandra's sopping
mine and tried to go spelunking with my pride and joy right away. I did away
with the foreplay so to speak. I thought maybe I got so worked up in those
sweaty safaris in her cradle I just shot my wad too soon. FUCK!", Todd
punched his thigh harder this time, "Nothing seems to work". Sammy put
on his thinking cap again while Todd simmered after his outburst and thought for
a minute. He was usually unconcerned with his brother's (or anyone else's for
that matter) problems but when it came to this line of talk he would get a
throbbing erection. This was better than playing in the snow any day. "I
know!", he exclaimed, "Remember when Grandpa used to fool around with
us before he was sent to prison? I would pretend I was playing in my sandbox and
it helped me to forget about what was going on", his boner got a bit more
stiff as he said this, "maybe you should pretend you're doing something
else when you try to rock in Sandra's loins. That's gotta help." Todd's
brow creased and an outside party might have noted how much he looked like his
brother in that moment if one had been present. He was just getting ready to
give Sammy a brotherly whack on the back in gratitude when Sandra walked around
the corner of the house. "Hi honey! Hi Sammy! What are you guys doing
sitting out here in the cold? I'm freezing!" Indeed she was, Todd noticed.
Her nipples were protuding quite nicely from her wool sweater. His manhood
quickly follwed his brother's example. "Oh we just got done having a
snowball fight", Sammy lied, "it's about time for me to go in or Mom
will have a cow. Sorry I couldn't stay and chat". With that he jumped up
and went inside. "Weird kid", Sandra said, "I just stopped by to
talk to you about something that's been on my mind. You see. . . " Todd
interrupted her, "Before you say anything I just want you to know that I've
never done the deed in the snow and I've got a massive cockstand right
now". Sandra needed no further convincing and soon both of them were
melting snow with their hot young bodies. EPILOGUE Sammy watched them from his
upstairs window. It worked! It had actually worked! As he stroked his cock in
that five fingered pocket that is the lot of young boys with no other choice and
watched he felt a surge of pride. Those flakes so like stars from heaven began
to fall again and Sammy shot his load all over the windowsill. It was days
before he remembered to clean it up.
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