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Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The greenhouse effect is an increase in the atmospheric temperature caused by
increasing amounts of greenhouse gases. These gases act as a heat blanket
insulating the Earth's surface absorbing and trapping heat radiation which
normally escapes from the earth. They include carbon dioxide, water vapor,
methane, nitrous oxide, CFC's, and other halocarbons. The earth's atmosphere
goes through two proc... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Throughout American history our country has come to rely on many different
natural resources. With technology and the population increasing, the number of
fossil fuel reserves and natural forests are going down. What America needs is a
renewable source of fuels and fibers that will meet the growing needs of the
future, but will not damage our environment. One of the most promising sources
of fiber... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Crop management is a vigorous activity that changes as technologies are
developed. Now that were in the new millennium, we are finding new and enhanced
ways to improve things that effect us in our everyday lives like, industrial
pollution, car pollution, waste management, and also the advancement in
herbicide-tolerant crops. Much advancement have been taking place to make our
crops better and safe... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
According to the National Hurricane Center, a hurricane releases heat energy at
a rate of 50 trillion to 200 trillion watts, which is equivalent to the energy
from exploding 10 megaton bombs every 20 minutes. With such strength, it is no
wonder why these natural disasters have such large destructive impacts on the
environment. Furthermore, hurricanes are of extreme importance to Florida, since
the... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
examine the events contributing to the tragedy at Bhopal, India and their
repercussions and to draw conclusions based on these events.
Happened at Bhopal? Reading newspaper and magazine articles written immediately
following the events at Bhopal, it is apparent that it took some time for
authorities to determine the causes of the industrial accident. Speculation
seems to have run wild for a time... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
An insecticide is used to kill insects. There are many kinds of insecticides,
but organic insecticides are the most commonly used (World Book, 1999). Organic
insecticides are split into three different categories: Chlorinated hydrocarbon
insecticides, organophosphate insecticides, and carbamate insecticides (World
Book, 1999). In this paper, I'll explore how toxic each of these insecticides
are, h... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Causing $1-2 billion in damages and more than 25 deaths per year, landslides are
a major geologic hazard, caused by earthquakes and floods. Although, landslides
are generally not as exciting or costly as earthquakes, major floods, tropical
storms, and other natural disasters, they occur in more expanded places and may
cause more property damage than any other geologic hazards. A wide variety of
gr... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Marijuana is a drug that has been used for thousands of years. Marijuana was
used in ancient China, as far back as 5000 B.C. The Incan’s and Mayan’s used
marijuana in religious ceremonies. Marijuana also has roots in this country. The
Indians of the plains used marijuana in their peace pipes as a sign of
friendship and peace. After prohibition there was a sharp rise in the use of
this drug in Ame... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Topic: The National Park Service will continue to play an important role in
twenty-first century society. Abstract: Those with a sense of destiny cried not
exploitation, but preservation of America’s land. This belief created the
first National Park and later the National Park Service to protect it and the
lands that were to be added. The National Park Service will continue to protect
the land and... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
mere mention of the creature’s name brings shudders to loggers and some local
inhabitants, fear over its existence has incited rallies, garnered the attention
of three government agencies, and caused people to tie themselves to trees. On
April 2, 1993, President Bill Clinton embarked on a quest to settle a
long-standing battle. The environmentalists on one side, and their attempts to
protect natur... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Entering the twenty-first century, six billion people inhabit the earth. A
number that is expected to double in a hundred and twenty years, yet only 4% of
that world population lives in the Untied States. Even though the Untied States
is only 4% of the population of the world, it still uses 25% of the world’s
resources. This statistic is most important with the argument of food
consumption, with s... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The United States alone produces an average volume of commercial low-level
radioactive waste of about 500,000 cubic feet each year. That is a lot of waste!
This comes from a variety of places. Mainly though, it is produced by nuclear
power plants. This waste brings up a problem though. It is difficult to dispose
of radioactive materials for two reasons. One, some radioactive materials last
for tho... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Although the government believes that Nevada is an ideal place for nuclear waste
storage, it is simply overlooking the obvious implications that would threaten
both the environment and the people of the land. Yucca was suggested to be a
waste repository along with several other areas some years ago. This facility
located at Yucca Mountain would house some of mans most dangerous elements, like
plut... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Most people are familiar with the problems of the blue whale, efforts to save
endangered sea turtles, and the many tragic tales of dolphins dying in tuna
nets. Many people do not realize the extreme danger that tuna and many other
fish face. There is an alarming decline in fish populations, and this poses a
dangerous threat to life in the ocean. If fish decline, so does the sea, into
and unstable ... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Oil is a product used by everyone, but sometimes oil is a problem. An oil spill
is a leakage from an oceangoing tanker, pipelines, or other oil sources. Oil
spills occur very frequently, and cause enormous ecological harm. About eight
million barrels of oil are spilled each year. Tankers usually carry about
five-hundred million barrels of oil. Many oil spills, large in land or ocean
coverage, have... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Some scientists have proclaimed that the human race is slowly depleting the
layer of ozone which protects us from ultra violet light. In reality, humans
have very little control of the world in which we live. Scientific evidence has
shown that there is very little depletion in the ozone layer and the
contributions the human race makes towards this depletion is and always will be
insignificant comp... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The poisoning of the Earth’s ozone layer is increasingly attracting worldwide
concern for the global environment and the health effects of life on the Planet
Earth. There is not just one particular cause for the ozone’s depletion; the
accumulation of different pollutants into our ozone layer has all added up and
equaled a worldwide problem. There is not just one effect from the poisoning of
the oz... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
In 1997 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established new ozone
standards. The EPA also placed special restrictions on twenty-two states in the
Ohio Valley and Midwest regions to prevent emissions from coal-burning power
plants from being carried into the New England States by wind currents.
(Tennessee is one of these twenty-two states.) Both of these rulings were
recently either struck do... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The Hudson River is a body of water that stretches for 315 miles from the
Adirondack Mountains to the Battery in Manhattan, reaching its deepest point of
216 feet in the Highlands near Constitution Island and West Point and reaches
its widest point of 3 miles across at Havestraw. This river is one of the most
beautiful and scenic of the Tri-State area. Unfortunately, it happens to be New
York’s mo... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Pesticides are chemicals that make our produce perfect, and our yards free of
pests. However, this perfection comes at a price to many different people.
Pesticides are poisons with the sole purpose of killing. They are intended to
kill weeds, insects and fungus. There are three types of pesticides called
herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Every pesticide has an active
ingredient, and an ine... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
There are 2.5 billion pounds of pesticides being applied to agricultural
products each year in the United States. This is ten times more than was applied
forty years ago. It is still unknown as to what type of exact effects these
chemicals may have on individuals. Some farmers that have been using pesticides
in their fields and developed leukemia are finding that the cause of their
disease is from... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
In recent years it has become clear that some environmental chemicals can cause
risks to the developing embryo and fetus. Evaluating the developmental toxicity
of environmental chemicals is now a prominent public health concern. The
suspected association between TCE and congenital cardiac malformations warrants
special attention because TCE is a common drinking water contaminant that is
detected i... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Is the air that we are breathing killing us? In this speech you will learn all
that you need to know about air pollution. First I will give you the causes of
air pollution, then I will list the effects of it, and finally I will tell you
how we can prevent air pollution. The average person takes about twenty thousand
breaths a day, obviously air is essential to life. Well imagine that the air
that ... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The growth of the world’s population is a problem that many people see as
being addressed at some point in the future. While we live in a country that is
reaping the benefits of a superpower, most of the United States is disconnected
from the problems of population growth. In this paper, I intend to address three
major issues. How long will we be able to support our planets food needs? How
can we... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The government has control of over one-third of the nation's land, and 398
million acres of that is controlled by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM 6).
This land hold a wide diversity of resources, from timber, and grazing lands
found on the surface to a mass of oil, natural gas, and minerals laying below
the earth. The history of these lands is hardly a dull story, because it is the
story of the... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Long ago, the Earth had a green belt of rain forests around its middle that
covered almost twelve percent of the earth's land surface. (Miller & Berry
3) Today, the rain forest covers two percent of the earth's land surface and it
is declining rapidly. The following will be a description of the rain forest,
factors in its destruction, and if there are any answers to slow or halt the
process. &... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Recycling is an ancient practice with many modern applications. It refers to the
recovery and reuse of materials from spent products. In recent years recycling
has become a major part of environmental policy, mainly because of the increased
costs of solid- and hazardous-waste disposal, the scarcity of natural resources,
and the growing concern over polluted land, water, and air. There are two type... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
In the United Sates, where the population is inflated every year. The amount of
space for landfills decreases every day. The need for recycling should not be
asked, it should just be done out of habit. Everyone in America needs to
recycle, to help the lamdfill problem, help the environment, and help produce
new products from recycled goods. In America there is about two-hundred and
eight tons of r... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The purpose of this written report is to inform the reader about the concerns
and facts involved with reforestation. Reforestation began in Ontario after
World War II. What happened was, professional foresters were assigned to an area
and became responsible for its well being. Under the Crown Timber Act, long term
management was prepared. Then the many steps needed to rebuild a forest began.
Inclu... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
plant rhododendron belongs to the family Ericaceae which also includes the
Heath, and there are about eight-hundred fifty species which grow worldwide
(Turner and Szczawinski, 171-2). The Heath family is a large one with so many
species, all of the poisonous species fall into two of its subfamilies, one of
which is the rhododendron. These cultivated plants occur naturally in temperate
regions of ... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
In the 1950's and 60's scientists gave the people a lot of evidence on the
deadly effects of smoking where the tobacco companies on the other hand tried to
put the doubt in people’s minds through the campaigns to show that it is not
all true. By the time people actually decided to take care of their health and
finally saw how life-threatening smoking could be by real life examples, the
tobacco com... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Rachel Louise Carson (1907-64), was an American marine biologist, and author of
widely read books on ecological themes. Carson was born in Springdale,
Pennsylvania, and educated at the former Pennsylvania College for Women and
Johns Hopkins University. Rachel Carson taught Zoology at the University of
Maryland from 1931 to 1936. She was an aquatic biologist at the U.S. Bureau of
Fisheries and its ... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Smog is one of the major forms of air pollution. It makes being outside a health
threat. Some of the major contributers to smog are automobiles, factories, and
other things of this nature. High temperatures stimulate the effects of smog,
therefore, the highest levels of smog are on hot summer days. This means that
most of the problems associated with smog occur in the summer months. Health
effects... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
One issue that has been a controversy is the preservation of endangered species.
Ever since the 1960's, scientists have been fighting for laws and acts to
protect animals and plants in keeping them in good health and their populations
high in numbers. The problem is animals and plants are having trouble surviving
in today's world which leads them to be classified as endangered or threatened.
Endan... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
There have been few environmental problems that have posed the same level of
concern as that of the hazardous waste issue. Similarly, few environmental laws
have caused the level of frustration as that felt towards Superfund, the main
legislative tool that was designed to address the public fears in regards to
hazardous waste. Superfund is a law that was passed in 1980. It is formally
known as the... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The City of Tucson is currently using far more water than it is replacing.
Options and plans to solve this problem in the future are severely limited
because of the fact that Tucson, Arizona is desert land. With the population
continually growing, and each populant continually using more water, something
needs to be done. The only answer that can be immediately put into action is
water conser... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in the aquatic, or water,
environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes. Acid rain flows to streams,
lakes, and marshes after falling on forests, fields, buildings, and roads. Acid
rain also falls directly on aquatic habitats. Most lakes and streams have a pH
between 6 and 8. However, some lakes are naturally acidic even without the
effects o... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The greenhouse effect occurs when gases such as methane, carbon dioxide,
nitrogen oxide and CFCs trap heat in the atmosphere by acting as a pane of glass
in a car. ³The glass² lets the sun light in to make heat but when the heat
tries to get out the gases absorb the heat. Holding this heat in causes heat
waves, droughts and climate changes which could alter our way of living. The
main gases t... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Urban sprawl is not a new phenomenon, and the battle between environmentalists
and developers is well-known. But perhaps the issue is not that the land is
being utterly stripped of life and replaced by cookie cutter houses or
factories, which has been a controversy for decades. Perhaps the fighting has
exposed a deeper problem: the American acceptance of a false outside, seen
through lawns that mi... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
In the last few years, I have noticed that on screen violence has become as
common as a Cheesesteak in Philadelphia. People often argue that the violence
seen on screen is influencing our culture, yet each year the amount of viewers'
increase. It seems that in order for your film or program to be successful it
must contain violence. In my opinion, this constant levitation of violence on
screen is ... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Mount Vesuvius is a volcano located in southern Italy, near the bay of Naples
and the city of Naples. It is the only active volcano on the European mainland.
Vesuvius rises to a height of 1277 m (4190 ft). Vesuvio (Vesuvius) is probably
the most famous volcano on earth, and is one of the most dangerous. Mount
Vesuvius is a strato-volcano consisting of a volcanic cone (Gran Cono) that was
built wit... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
The earth is facing a lot of environmental problems today, these problems are
caused by humans. In the search for the technology, humans begin to improve
their lives without giving attention to what this development has caused to the
other types of life on the face of the earth. All aspects of life on the earth
have been affected, as well as the sources of water. Sea and river pollution is
one of ... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
Water pollution is a global plague that affects the people, animals, and plants.
These life forms need water to survive. The causes are contributed greatly by
the human population. Recently, laws have been passed to protect the precious
drinking waters. Although they are in effect, most are ignored or loop holes
have been found by major corporations so the can still "legally" dump
harmfu... Full-text essay
Environment coursework, term papers on Environment, Environment essays
This paper discusses four hypotheses to explain the effects of wolf predation on
prey populations of large ungulates.
four proposed hypotheses examined are the predation limiting hypothesis, the
predation regulating hypothesis, the predator pit hypothesis, and the stable
limit cycle hypothesis. There is much research literature that discusses how
these hypotheses can be used to interpret various ... Full-text essay