Free Research Papers on Legal Issues

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Violent Crimes Reduction

Legal Issues coursework, term papers on Legal Issues, Legal Issues essays
The actual “law” has five major moving parts. First there is the ballot initiative (i.e. Proposition 184), then there is the actual statute that was passed, and then there are three other code sections that identify the types of violations that count as “strikes” against you. Those other types of sections are labeled juvenile felonies, serious felonies, or violent felonies. In 1997 the Wisconsin ... Full-text essay
Volstead Act

Legal Issues coursework, term papers on Legal Issues, Legal Issues essays
The Volstead Act of 1919 was the law that made the sale of alcoholic beverages illegal, supporters of this act thought that this would make the country better as a whole. They said this law would lower crime rates and would increase the health of Americans. This law did the exact opposite of what they expected, overnight this law created a black market that lead to the rise of organized crime. Th... Full-text essay
White Collar Crime

Legal Issues coursework, term papers on Legal Issues, Legal Issues essays
In this paper the exciting criminal phenomenon known as white-collar crime will be discussed. Corporate Crime and Computer Crime will be discussed in detail. Crime preventative agencies such as the NCPC (National Crime Prevention Council) will also be researched. White Collar Crime The late Professor Edwin Sutherland coined the term white-collar crime about 1941. Sutherland defined white-collar c... Full-text essay
Women Murders

Legal Issues coursework, term papers on Legal Issues, Legal Issues essays
Marriage is a life long commitment between two people. Vows are taken as a promise to one another, “ Till Death Do us Part” may be the most well known vow, but with the two women I will be discussing they take it into their own hands to speed up the process. The following stories are about two women who commit murder in some form, perhaps intentional or not who are not punished as far as the stor... Full-text essay
Worker`s Injuries

Legal Issues coursework, term papers on Legal Issues, Legal Issues essays
One million times a year, California workers seek help from their employers for an on-the-job injury. Most believe the state's workers compensation laws -- created at the turn of the century and overhauled four years ago -- will be a safety net. Instead, many will step into a world where, at perhaps one of the most vulnerable times in their lives, they will wander for years with little help. This... Full-text essay
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