Essay, Research Paper: Luke Gospel


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Table Of Contents Introduction 2 Body Of Presentation 3 Author 3 Date 3 Intended
Audience 4 Purpose 5 Outline Of Contents 6 Theme Verse 7 Relevance 8
Bibliography 10 Introduction Luke was not a Jew, but a gentile. He was a
physician who loved people. The nature of Luke’s Gospel is indicated by the
role of those from whom he got his materials. They were “ministers of the
word” (7,Laymans). The book was written for a man named Theophilus, who was
part of the Roman Government. Luke’s words touched Theophilus, drawing him
closer to Jesus and who he was. The depths of Luke’s Gospel are to be plumbed
by the response of faith (7,Laymans). This Gospel was written with a point of
view in mind, symbolized by the calf, which to Luke meant that Jesus was
sacrificed for he world to be save from heir sins. Luke emphasized that Jesus
not only wanted the Jews to know the word, but also the gentiles, because he
wants everyone to know about salvation and his love for us. Luke was loved by
everyone and was thought to be a skilled painter. Luke also wrote the Book of
Acts, which is said to be the sequel to the Gospel. Buttrick et al. (1952) says
the book of Luke explains what Jesus dealt with, “all that Jesus began to do
and teach, until the day when he was taken up to heaven.” Luke’s Gospel is
one of the easiest and clearest to read. It is written in the literary form of
secular Greek historians, and has a quality of language that reveals author to
have been a man of learning. Luke was setting out to preach the Christian
message in a form that would capture the attention of the intelligent gentile
mind of the first century. Body Of Presentation Authorship The Gospel according
to Luke carries no direct statement about who wrote it. However, there are many
indications that it was written by the one whose name bears: Luke, the doctor
companion of Paul (14, Layman’s). Luke accompanied Paul on his journey to
spread the word after the ascension of Jesus. According to Buttrick et al.
(1962) Luke writes Iraneous. According to the Interpreters Dictionary of the
Bible (1962) it is confirmed that Luke was the author of the “we sections”,
because they are written in first person plural. These sections show that Paul
is being accompanied by someone who could possible be Luke. This in itself shows
that the same person wrote the Book of Acts, because of the writings and the
style in which it was written. Luke was a gentile, for Paul lists him among his
gentile friends. We know that Luke was a doctor for Paul calls him the “the
beloved physician”(15, Layman’s). Several arguments arise about authorship,
although it falls short of proof, it is clear that there is nothing in the work
that a physician could not have written. Luke fulfills the requirements for
being the author of the Gospel. Date The date of the Gospel is not quite clear,
but the Interpreters Dictionary (1962) states that it could be somewhere around
80 A.D. The reason behind this date is believed that the book of Acts was
written shortly after Paul’s imprisonment. There are four factors all scholars
take into account when considering the date for Luke’s gospel: The date of
Mark and Luke’s relationship, Date of Acts, Reference to the destruction of
Jerusalem in Chapter 21 and The Theological and Ecclesiastical tone of Luke-
Acts (Liefeld, 1984). The four factors lead all historians to same period of
time, which ranges from A.D. 70 to 80. Fortunately the worth of the Gospel for
us in no way rests on this point. Intended Audience Luke intended the Gospel to
be the first part of a larger book, for the Book of Acts is clearly a sequel to
it. In Acts chapter one verse one he explains that “In the first book “ he
has dealt with “all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was
taken up”(Buttrick1962). Readership of the Gospel must be drawn primarily from
the prologue (Luke 1:1-4) and secondarily from the conclusions about the purpose
of the Gospel. From a brief survey of theories about Luke’s purpose, it would
appear that while Luke-Acts had an appeal to the Non-Christian, Luke expected
and desired it to be read by Christians, specifically new converts. According to
the Expositors Bible there are several characteristics of the Gospel such as its
orientation to the secular world, its references to Judaism, its septuagentisms,
along with the prominence of the God fearers the made it plausible for those who
did not have faith in the Lord. It is impossible to say Luke’s writing were
strictly for God-Fearers, but definite that he wrote with them in mind. Purpose
The purpose of Luke’s writing according to Buttrick et al. (1962), is that
Luke is writing to confirm what we have already been taught, specifically in the
Christian community. By this he affirms everything from his from his sources,
oral traditions, and certain material that outline the life, ministry, the
death, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Luke spoke of sin, like Paul did
and he also spoke f forgiveness and reconciliation. His interests are
historical. He is trying to tell what Jesus had said and done in the light of
certain definite interests of his own (181, 1962). Forgiveness is an example
theme when he says “ Let it be known to you therefore, brethrer, that through
this man forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and by him everyone that
believes is freed from everything from which you could not be freed by the law
of Moses” (Acts 13:38.69). By writing the Luke-Acts book, he was able to make
Christianity appealing to the Roman Court. The crucifixion of Jesus is an
important theme in the Gospel of Luke. Pilate declared three times that Jesus
was innocent, but sentenced him anyway. These men had to live with this wrong
doing forever. There are several purposes proposed by the Gospel like
Evangelism, Personal Assurance, History, Conciliation, Instruction, Social
problems, and many more. The primary purpose of not only the Gospel but of the
book of Acts as well, providing enough information about Jesus to supplement the
instruction Theophilus already had to assist in confirming his faith (Liefeld
1984). If we dissect the Gospel one can assume Luke wrote to bring the Gospel,
and the assurance of salvation that follows its acceptance, to a larger audience
than Theophilus. In addition to winning converts, Luke is focused on promoting
the Christian Movement. Luke brings together all the data and addresses, all
issues he deems necessary to advance Christ’s cause (Liefeld 1984). Outline of
Contents The Gospel of Luke begins with a preface, the only one of the synoptic
Gospels with this type of introduction. He speaks of predecessors, ” Things
which have been accomplished among us” (1952 Buttrick). Basically he speaks in
narrative about things that have occurred, and the evangelists who performed
them, including him. Luke then discusses narratives about the birth and infancy.
He speaks of the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth (John), his conception, birth,
and circumcision. Luke balances every point with a series concerning Jesus. Luke
wanted to let people know that what he writes was a creation of the literature
of Jesus. In the beginning Christians had to control its community activities
and develop its institution because of the way the Romans acted toward religious
cults. When Christianity began it was seen as a Jewish sect. They (Romans) could
not see the difference between the church and the synagogue. The book of Luke
focuses on social relationships. Social relationships were a concern for the
poor, which addressed finance. Jesus showed more sympathy to the poor because
they were more open to his word and true believers. The rich were taking from
the poor and Jesus hated that. Luke talked a lot about Jesus’ concern for
women and illustrates this with the Virgin Mary, and her immaculate conception,
Elizabeth and her son, the harlot, and many more. The Holy Spirit is greatly
emphasized on in the Gospel of Luke. Christians everywhere today, acknowledge
that he was born and lived on Earth so they celebrate the story of Jesus. When
John the Baptist people knew gods hands were on him because his mother Elizabeth
was barren. The temptation of Jesus is another event Luke covered. Satan tempted
Jesus for forty days and forty nights. He starved during this time, prayed and
trusted in God to get him through this. Satan tried to convince Jesus that he
was the answer and that if he followed him, Satan would give him the world.
Jesus backed himself with scripture and never let the fact that his father was
the greatest God escape his mind. Luke tells about the miracles Jesus performs
while on Earth. One miracle was the driving of the evil spirit in the
demon-possessed man. He also spoke of Jesus’ healing power. However people
still doubted him, for when Jesus performed a miracle he asked the recipients to
keep it to themselves. Yet when people were given there were healed by
miraculous occurrences they could do nothing but speak of this awesome man.
Finally Luke speaks of the first disciple, Simon Peter. This came about in a
strange manner. Simon was fishing and could not catch a thing. Jesus told him to
put his net back in and he did. When Simon removed the net again he was
overwhelmed with the astonishing number of fish in the net. Simon then sailed
back to shore and pout away his fishing stuff to follow the almighty Jesus. Luke
tries to express to the reader that Jesus is an awesome man and he forgives.
Jesus says if we ask for the forgiveness of sin he will forgive, he will heal,
and he will love. Know thy Kingdom and the Commandments is what Luke is trying
to explain to the reader. Theme Verse According to several references the key
verses are in chapter one of Luke verses three through four, and chapter
nineteen verse ten. “It seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated
everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive
order, most excellent Theophilus; so that you might know the exact truth about
the things you have been taught” (Luke 1:3,4). “For the Son of Man has come
to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). The main purpose for
Luke’s Gospel was to create an accurate, chronological, and comprehensive
account of the unique life of Jesus. Therefore these verses say exactly what
Luke was trying to get across to Theophilus and the others. Personal Relevance
The relevance of this material to my own personal and professional life is that
I am able to apply it and comprehend it. Through the course of my life I have
met many people looking for inner peace. They do not see they are looking in the
wrong direction. Not too long ago I was saved and have bee trying to live my
life in the way of the Lord. I am not an expert nor do I study theology I just
know of my personal relationship with Jesus and I feel it is a good place to
start. Instead of turning to their maker people turn to drugs and alcohol. They
realize that they are searching in the wrong place and just wasting their time.
I searched for a while until I realized that without God I had no chance of
being happy or in the right place. The book of Luke explains the miracles in a
way that one can understand now and then. Luke used the Gospel to spread a
message of salvation. Jesus performed many miracles when he was on earth and by
those examples he set forth example in my life. I am able to deal with people at
work better than before because I look to God for the strength and serenity. I
have noticed a big difference in myself. By studying this book I now see why
Luke emphasized that Jesus came to this world to save us from our sins. He
suffered so that we would not have to. Through the parables Jesus spoke of, I
was able to relate some of them to my life. For examples I know money is
nothing, and I try to give what I can but I understand that if I what I should
God will compensate me tenfold. When they speak of the two debtors, I learned
when someone asks for something give it to him or her, and do not expect
repayment for if they had had it they would not be asking for it. The birth and
suffering Jesus did for you and me gives me hope and faith to push on. The
thought of someone loving me enough to die for me makes me feel ecstatic. I also
know that I need to devote more time to my lord. I thought to myself all the men
in my life that have said they loved me none have ever showed the love Jesus
showed for me. When one is born again it is like a resurrection of our inner
beauty. This book is an excellent tool for nonbelievers to see the consequences
that lie in store and for the Christians as well to see just why we praise
Jesus.Bibliography1. Buttrick, G.A.,Bowie, W.R., Scherer, P .,Knox, J.,Terrein, S. Harmon, N.B.
(1952). The Interpreter’s Bible. United States Of America: Pierce and Smith.
2. Liefeld, Walter L., (1984). The Expositor’s Bible Commentary. Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Zondervan Pub House. Vol 8. 3. Buttrick, G.a., Kepler, T.S., Knox, J.,
May, H.G., Terrien, S., Bucke, E.S. (1962). The Interpreter’s Dictionary Of
The Bible. Tennessee: Abingdon. 4. Miller, Donald G., (1959). The Layman’s
Bible Commentary. Richmond, Virginia: John Knox Press.
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