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Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
It is always present in you. You can use it anyway you want. -- Lao-tzu Taoism
is one of the two great philosophical and religious traditions that originated
in China. The other philosophy native to China is Confucianism. Both Taoism and
Confucianism began at about the same time, around the sixth century B.C. China's
third great religion, Buddhism, came to China from India around the second
centu... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Taoism was first thought of by Lao Tzu. He thought that if you seek order and
harmony and observe that nothing in nature strives for fame, power, and wisdom.
Tao means "The way" or the universal force that guides all things. The
philosophy of Lao Tzu came to be known as Taoism. Chinese people who learned the
philosophy left society and lived closer to nature (Krieger, Reynolds, Neill,
8... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
In order to go into Taoism at all, we must begin by being in the frame of mind
in which it can understood. You cannot force yourself into this frame of mind,
anymore than you can smooth rippled waters. But let's say that our starting
point is that we forget what we know, or think we know, and that we suspend
judgment about practically everything, returning to what we were when we were
babies when... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Taoism and Buddhism were born in the same century. Siddhartha reached
enlightenment in approximately 535 B.C. and Lao Tzu’s teachings were recorded
around 500 B.C. There are many similarities in the basics of these two
religions. Some of the similarities can be seen clearly when examining the three
meaning of Tao. The first definition of Tao is "the way of ultimate
reality." This means ... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Taoism and Buddhism are the two great philosophical and religious traditions
that originated in China. Taoism began the sixth century BCE. And Buddhism came
to China from India around the second century of the Common Era. These two
religions have shaped Chinese life and thought for nearly twenty-five hundred
years. One dominant concept in Taoism and Buddhism is the belief in some form of
reincarn... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
My choice was between Taoism and Christianity, two very appealing and well-liked
practices. Taoism, though unfamiliar to most of you, has many favorable traits.
People are urged to respect others and to be kind to everyone whom they meet in
order to be reborn wealthy and noble. If people are disrespectful or cruel, they
will be reincarnated into a poor and unhappy life. I feel that this motivatio... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Taoism applied to everyday life "Practice not-doing and everything will
fall into place" (Chapter 3). In Taoism this is the concept known as "wu
wei". Wei wu wei is the practice of doing and not-doing. This concept comes
from the theory of the Yin and Yang. The Yang, along with wei, is the practice
of doing. The Yin, along with wu wei, is the practice of not-doing. One
complim... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
"Before the world was made, he chose us, chose us in Christ, to be holy and
spotless, and to live through love in his presence, determining that we should
become his adopted sons, through Jesus Christ." (Eph. I, 4-5). These
powerful words of St. Paul in his first letter to the Ephesians, I think, best
characterize the spirit of Teilhard the Chardin, his idea of man and man's place
in th... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
To escape punishment for killing an Egyptian, Moses ran away to Midian, where he
met and married the daughter of a shepherd. During that time, the king of Egypt
died, and the Israelites called out to God in their suffering. In the past, God
had made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob concerning the fate of them
and their descendants, and the time had come for Him to rescue them. While Moses... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Something that interests us all is ourselves - because we are the subject and
main focus of our lives. No matter what you think of yourself, there is a
natural interest because you have to live with yourself for a lifetime. The self
view is therefore something that can give us a lot of misery if we see ourselves
in the wrong way. Even under the best of circumstances, if we don't see
ourselves in ... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
In the home, such as Kashrut, the preparation of food so that it is ritually
acceptable, for example Kosher foods. Foods containing milk are never mixed with
meat, nor eaten at the same meal. The weekly Sabbath is observed in the home,
and begins with a women of the house lighting Sabbath candles. Observant Jews
recite blessings before eating over wine, bread and other foods. In Buddhist
religion... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
The book of Revelation is the last profound book in the New Testament. It
conveys the significant purpose of Christianity by describing God's plan for the
world and his final judgement of the people by reinforcing the importance of
faith and the concept of Christianity as a whole. This book written by John in
95 or 96 AD, is the revelation of Jesus Christ illustrating the events that
occur be... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
The Stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60) With the stoning of Stephen we have the
first martyr of the Christian church. The word martyr is defined as a person who
dies rather than renounce a religion; a person who makes a great sacrifice for
the sake of principle. Stephen was that and much more. Stephen was brought in
front of the Sanhedrin on false charges by the high priest. The high priest were... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
One of the most important influences in the movement that led to the creation of
the state of Israel was Jewish writer and journalist Theodor Herzl. He was born
on May 2, 1860 in Budapest, Hungary. Herzl studied law in Vienna, but later on
went into a literary career. This proved a good decision, as he became a
well-known playwright and essayist and in 1891, Hertzl was appointed Paris
corresponde... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Theology of Love or Hate? “I make seeking my salvation the main business of my
life.” (editor, Perkins. 103). At the time of the preceding statement,
Jonathan Edwards neither had a full understanding of God’s redeeming love or
the ability to convey the simplicity of salvation through the love of Jesus
Christ. It is improper and unscriptural to imply that an individual must make
the quest for eter... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Throughout history there have been numerous religions and theologies that men
and women have entrusted their lives and ways of living to. One of the most
intriguing is that of Buddhism. The great Buddha referred to his way as the
middle way, and he, as the “Enlightened One” began the teachings of the
religion with his first five Ascetics who he shows his middle way. This great
occasion is the sta... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Thich Naht Hahn is wonderful Buddhist monk and a great asset to the Buddhist
religion. He has had and is having an interesting life. He is known for many
things. These include he talks during the Vietnam War for peace, organizing help
for villages, instituting schools for youths, and has been nominated for the
Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King Jr. Thich Naht Hahn has one of the most
amazing... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Thomas Merton and Mahatma Gandhi both speak of God in a personal way. They both
speak of God as truth. Famous Thomas Merton, Trappist American monk, was a
traditional Christian. Born in France in 1915 and died in Asia in 1968 Merton
was greatly influenced by the complexities of the twentieth century. His
writings served as a personal may in his search for God.. He pursued the
ascending path towar... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Religion Islam is a monotheistic religion practiced by Muslims. They believe
that Allah gave revelations to the Prophet Muhammed through the Angel Gabriel
around A.D. 600. Jesus Christ and the prophets of the New Testament are accepted
as Islamic precepts. During their rule of the Ottoman Empire, Islamic laws
dictated the way of life for the Turks. In 1924 with the new republic
government, Islami... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Focus Question: How does More comment on his times through Utopia? Syllabus
outcome: Describe the interrelationship between the religious environment and
the social and cultural context on which the literature draws. Introduction:
When I chose to review Utopia, I can honestly say that I had no idea of what I
was letting myself in for. The book is so complex and there are so many
conflicting ideas... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
A Vatican panel issued a stinging condemnation of human cloning Tuesday and
warned against the misuse of genetic information. Human cloning, it said,
"represents a grave attack on the dignity of conception and on the right to
an unrepeatable, unpredetermined set of genes." The Pontifical Academy on
Life also warned that using genetic information to "suppress"
malformed or dise... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
J. Vernon McGee has an interesting way of looking at the Bible. He seems to take
a standpoint on Galations that is very refreshing. I have never heard a biblical
scalar use the word cool before. I just really enjoyed reading his commentary.
He divides the book into five parts, the first being the introduction. He talks
about how in the first five verses Paul tells that he is an apostle by God not... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
When I was first assigned this research paper on Voodoo, the first thing I
thought of was Voodoo dolls, zombies, and evil magic. I think Voodoo is an evil
religion which sacrifices humans as well as animals to demonic gods. I think it
has been around for thousands of years, but is little left today. I believe that
Voodoo is nothing but evil and the work of the devil. Voodoo originated in
Western ... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
The justification of war has been an ideal that has caused much debate and
controversy for humanity throughout all time. It has been studied and
interpreted by many theologians, philosophers, and politicians. There have many
manuscripts documenting the correct use of war and the proper means of
exercising force. Within the western tradition two main principles, the
Christian and Islamic, have app... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
The many mysteries and complexities of the religion of Wicca originate from the
Celts, the druids of Britain and the mysteries of the Cauldron of Cerridwen of
Cerridwen and teachings of the transformation hidden in the story of Taliesin.
The oldest know European Wiccan practices actually originate form the ancient
regions in and around Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Italy. In most any case
th... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
I am a witch, now please kill me! Many innocent women happily welcomed death by
confessing to witchcraft in order to end their excruciating torture during the
witch hunt craze between 1450 and 1750. Since many records were lost, destroyed
or never kept, the best estimation of the total deaths is several million (4).
The main cause of the witch hunts was the Church inflicting fear upon the common
... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
It is said by many that Hollywood is persuasive. People see something on
television or in a motion picture and believe that what is shown is, in reality,
true. Misconceptions will occur, and unless people are shown evidence against
the delusions, it will be taken as fact. In the past, many groups have been
poorly represented onscreen. Organizations such as the Mafia, the government,
the military,... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Zechariah is one of the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. His book is located
between the books of Haggai and Malachi. Zechariah is thought to have preached
from about 520-518 B.C. The book of Zechariah deals with the restoration of
Jerusalem, the Temple, and God‘s people. Chapter 11 verses 4-17, which is a
story of two shepherds, is one of the most difficult passages in the Old
Testament to u... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
What is “Zen” It is a conservative view of some, that the world is a very
strange place. Once upon a time, four men and a woman all wished they could meet
the perfect person. Each in his or her own way received a message to be at a
certain bar at a time and at the third stool from the left, the perfect person
would be sitting. The woman got there early, and sat down in the fourth seat to
wait. As... Full-text essay
Religion coursework, term papers on Religion, Religion essays
Zerubabbel as a Messianic figure. As my text, I am using the book of Haggai
2:23: “In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel,,
my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the Lord, and will make thee as a
signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the Lord of hosts.” Thus, the messianic
promise was passed onto Zerubbabel, the man that God entrusted to be the
governor of God’s pe... Full-text essay