Essay, Research Paper: Adultery And Bible


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Adultery is stated 69 times in the bible. It is also the seventh commandment.
"Thou shalt not commit adultery". In every case stated in the bible,
the answer is clear: Do not commit adultery. It is a very powerful thing that
disconnects people in a relationship, either married or not. The dictionary
definition of adultery is "voluntary sexual intercourse of a married man
with a women other than his wife or of a married women with a man other than her
husband". In this particular dictionary it speaks about definitely being
married, but in the bible, it often did not. In a book called "Sexual
Abstinence", by Barbara Moe, it also mentioned the theme adultery. It
stated that although it is not confirmed because you aren't married, you can
still commit adultery as a teenager. It also said that "adultery" is
too much of a big, scary word for teenagers to handle. So, now a days, we call
it "cheating". Cheating is defined as a trick or deceit. When you are
in a relationship that you hope is going well, do you want the other person to
be "tricking" you?! I sure don't. Neither does God. That's why it was
stated in the bible so many times. It was so important to God, that he made it
our seventh commandment. He doesn't want anyone to be deceived by another
person. It is all covered in the general law "Love one another". You
don't truly love someone if you want to cheat on them. In "The Teen Study
Bible", it states "God invented sex. He designed the hormones that
trigger your desires. He designed every nerve ending that magnifies pleasure.
Sex isn't wrong. Sex is good. A gift from God, who loves you. Now only if you
would use it right". Sex is always made out to be a bad thing. In our
culture it is perfectly ok. Although God says to you in your conscience
"Are you sure you want to do this?!" He states is it so much in the
bible, if only people would look. Sex should be used with the right person, in
the right place, at the right time (in the right uniform hehe). Not with
multiple people, or just because you feel like it. You are giving away a
precious gift God himself has given you. If you ever think about cheating or
"Committing adultery", think of the other person involved in the
situation. There is two parts to every situation , no matter what kinda it is.
But, it is a very tough thing. To be the person doing it, and wondering if
you'll get caught. But most of all it is tough for the person who gets cheated
on... then the person starts questioning them self. A lot of psychiatric
problems happen after these kinds of situations. And, it all could've stopped if
you just picked up one solitary book, and read for a few seconds. The choice is
yours to make, but remember so are the consequences.
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